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Emperor Oli

Birthday Birthday Birthday

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Congratulations to Jon on reaching his 16th birthday! Now go out and drive a tractor.

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Has he been in here recently? I thought he was all over the new girlfriend of his!

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Hiya peeps! :P

Yes Chris I have been on recently but GCSE's have taken up most of my time lol.

Yes I will now go and drive a tractor whilst smoking a cigar and having a lottery ticket in my pocket!

It's very good to be 16! :D

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You can also legally marry a 80 year old rich widow.

Cop off properly with totty (maybe the widows grandaughters). ;)

Have kids of your own. :blink:

But you still can't have a pint,vote,go to prison,have a bank account.

A weird age.

Happy Birthday

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I still do not like that word. It's as bad as babe or chick.

Couldn't lass or bird suffice?

The weirdest two ages by far are 17 and 19.

At 17 you can do everything a 16 year old can do but you can drive as well, but you still can't vote, legally drink in a public house or buy alcohol legally, or even buy an 18 video. Not that, that ever stopped any of us. ;)

19 is strange because it's an age in limbo... you're over 18 so you're an adult in the eyes of the law, but at the same time you're still a teenager and alot of people don't automatically view you as adult till 20 or 21. Cos you're still afterall a rebellious (or not) teenager.

It's kinda like you're 3/4ths adult, but not quite. At least that how i always felt when i was 19, which wasn't that long ago. :D

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Happy Birthday! Enjoy the tractor ride :D

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Happy Birthday! :)

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I still do not like that word. It's as bad as babe or chick.

But it is non-gender specific if we're being PC about all this. Can't be making assumptions about the sex of a 16 year old or the person they might cop off with, can we? I don't think the average straight female or gay male teenager is that interested in either babes or chicks - unless they're training for a career in midwifery or live on a poultry farm. :D

Happy Birthday all the same!

This is an equal opportunites greeting which does not discriminate on grounds of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status or disability.


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I hate Political Correctness and i frequently go out of my way to break it. It's a form of mind control.

Thus as far as i'm concerned it's still a fireman, police woman, postman, dinner lady, tea lady, chairman and of course taxman.

Refuse Receptical Collection Assistant Engineer... grrrrr, binman or dustman to me.

And there's not much point arguing with me, cos the English Language teacher tried that and the whole group of us turned on him and refused to co-operate, as none of us liked political correctness.

But it was Barnsley and you know what people are like round theer.

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Don't forget, It's the great British public that are allowing this virus of PC to infect our lives. You get what you deserve!!?? :angry:

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Seriously, there are areas where we legitimately need to rethink our language because in the past we have used terms which did cause offence. It isn't much fun being called nigger, spacky or queer, or even being addressed as a fireman when you're quite obviously a firewoman. However, there's a whole area of imposed language based on assumptions of offence taken, and that really does annoy me. This is the situation where someone who isn't, for example, deaf, tells people who are that they shouldn't use the term "deaf" but refer to themselves as hearing impaired. The usual response is a blunt "**** off, we'll call ourselves what we like."

There was an incident a couple of years ago where a local council banned an advertisement for a carol service in the grounds that it might offend a large Muslim community, but nobody bothered to ask that community its views and the reponse of members when interviewed by the BBC was that they didn't mind at all.

Round here there are schools who won't celebrate Christmas or Easter but who do mark importnant non-Christian festivals. This isn't multi-culturalism so much as replacing one mono-culturalism with another.

There is, of course, the whole issue of minorities reclaiming language once deemed offensive and using it as a kind of in yer face label - "I can call myself nigger/queer/spacky/paki because I am one, but you can't because you're not". This follows the same rule that it's offensive to tell Jewish jokes unless you're Jewish.

Isn't it always the grey areas which are most interesting? PC originated in the same part of the world as slabbing - or is that a racist remark? ;)


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I was always of the opinion Geoff (at least so everyone keeps telling me) we live in a multi-cultural society.

So therefore why don't we embrace these differences rather than trying to stamp a bland non-cultural identity (or a non-English cultural identity) on everyone, why don't we just accept people are different?

People who are deaf are deaf, no point trying to dress it up in cotton wool, because that to me signifies that society sees being deaf as a negative thing... "sussh don't call them deaf because they might take offence", this signifies that the people that come out with these remarks are thinking the following;

1) "well i wouldn't like to be identified as deaf"... which leads to the conclusion that they view it as being inferior.

To me this is twaddle, deaf, blind, hearing, black, Asian, white who cares?

As long as you're not a chav... :D

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Being politically correct annoys me, the way I see it, god gave us a brain so that we could choose what to do with it.

Btw thanks everyone for the birthday greetings!

It was a great day!

Syls right, 16 is a wierd age. To be honest, I have rented an 18 dvd, drunk alcohol, smoked on one occasion, and bought a lottery ticket between the ages of 14 and 15. I haven't driven just yet lol. :lol:

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Waiting to attain 16 before having the pint? I think I had my first Scotch by my 13th:)

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I hate Political Correctness and i frequently go out of my way to break it. It's a form of mind control.

Thus as far as i'm concerned it's still a fireman, police woman, postman, dinner lady, tea lady, chairman and of course taxman.

Refuse Receptical Collection Assistant Engineer... grrrrr, binman or dustman to me.

And there's not much point arguing with me, cos the English Language teacher tried that and the whole group of us turned on him and refused to co-operate, as none of us liked political correctness.

But it was Barnsley and you know what people are like round theer.

Get with the programme - the correct term for the dustman is Sanitation Engineer. :) Gotta keep up with the latest perfumed up defecations.

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....Gotta keep up with the latest perfumed up defecations.

Sugared up sh... uusssh.

Ah yes. :D

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I would say what comes to mind whence thinking of PC, but it is more appropriate for the Pub, and not this forum I am afraid.

300 more days to my Oxford Pub crawl:)

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