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Identification and Valuation on Evasion Counterfeit George II Farthing with "ren" error

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Good evening all. 

I am just wondering if I could consult the vast array of knowledge on this forum with this piece





Its a rather interesting evasion George 11 Farthing. However it appears to be undated/strange date. It also has a "Ren" error. The majority of these evasion counterfeit farthings seem to be Irish but I dont believe this one is. 


it seems to match number 455 under Farthings on this website but its an ancient website and I cant access the CD Rom


If anyone could confirm or shred some light on this and an how an approximate value. I understand it can be diffcult to value as it depends on the market.

Thanks in advance

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Not really my specialist area, but I will contribute.

Yes, appears to match #455 in the list of evasion farthings. I have this list in the back of the Withers Token Book 2010. There is no picture - just a description. In that it shows no date and there is no back up to indicate where this type was produced. There is also no value suggested, which generally indicates it is fairly scarce.

In your pictures I think I can see the ghost of a date - 1798 or similar? A sharper close up might help.

Value, as always with these, is a guess. Best market would be in the US where these evasions are closely linked to the earliest US coinage. It could make just £10, or £80 depending on who saw it and needed it for their collection.

By the way, your Flickr links give access to all you photos on that site - I hope that was what you intended? 🙂 

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