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Anyone know the Lumix DMC-GF2 camera?

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Yes i know it's old hat and worthless, but I don't have a reasonable camera, and I've just  inherited a GF2, with a 14mm lens and a 14-42 lens.

I'm hoping, because I think I can turn everything off, that I can do par focal down-the-eypeice shots with a telescope- my crappy auto camera

takes pictures of the telescope....:-)


I would like to try taking pictures of coins with the GF2, but the only macro lenses I can see seem very expensive- is there a simple screw- in lens

available to fit on one of the two lenses I have?

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I don't know the Lumix at all, but the alternative to an expensive macro lens might be extension tubes? I use them with my Pentax and a standard 50mm lens to take macro style shots. It is a bit more fiddly, but I leave the set up for coins only so rarely need to alter anything.


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Ah right- I've always held a plano-convex lens over the front of a cheap camera to take pics of coins etc....

....I have seen some things like that but I don't know the lens/thread terminology very well.

Is the extension tone as it sounds? It fits over the lens rather than on the front?

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No - it fits between the lens mount and the camera body, so you would have to find a set with Lumix fittings. I found mine on Amazon I think (may have been Ebay). You usually get a set of three, to give three different levels of Macro. I find the smallest tube allows me to focus on up to Crown size coins at about 15cm range so that they fill the picture size. The longer tubes allow still closer for very small coins.

I think this one would do: https://www.amazon.co.uk/VILTROX-Extension-Adapter-Support-Compatible/dp/B0BLZ4W5SJ/ref=sr_1_6?crid=JAHMH6APNIEO&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Nr151YSAC3VS9eZYbyFbpSjU8ODJZW0UEWA3qA41oE70kP2EP0_atU9SDqeflRXn3TeRk_YrrqojWuE6vJE-Gu_5lWHrhIkm8Qg9QgurGGwsQuQ_LENNGD8_BCsyTsiBvzkSW2W3EpAVwBZ8yjNg9R90sBMz7JaUGdqjO0xTmQOOkN4_WxbjCtQLL5V-MmbV31YUPChUgPZScAwLdyMRLmj9RZfsEjAQUKy_pDunfwc.pFii9qcG1TqtTS5pDMxgjEZPrdbcSIy5S2F-hNMmXaw&dib_tag=se&keywords=Lumix+extension+tube&qid=1709836660&sprefix=lumix+extension+tube%2Caps%2C145&sr=8-6

but that is for autofocus. You may find cheaper without that feature. Lumix uses "L-Mount".


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3 hours ago, Paddy said:

but that is for autofocus. You may find cheaper without that feature. Lumix uses "L-Mount".

That's L for Leica not Lumix .. so probably not cheap.

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I was going purely on a google search for "Lumix lens mounts" which indicated "L-mount" as the answer. I am sure a more thorough search would clarify. (I was on my way out to Bridge night, so I did not have much time to research!)


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Thank you for this- I'm just off to work in Paris,  so I'll read more closely when I'm not eating, drinking, or visiting cheese shops....

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On 3/7/2024 at 10:23 PM, Paddy said:

I was going purely on a google search for "Lumix lens mounts" which indicated "L-mount" as the answer. I am sure a more thorough search would clarify. (I was on my way out to Bridge night, so I did not have much time to research!)


Panasonic have a partnership with Leica - some models are almost identical apart from their badging and exterior styling. And many Lumix models come with Leica lenses, or Lumix lenses co-developed with Leica.

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