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Recut letters - a frequent occurrence on Victorian coppers and bronze.

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One possible repair on "F" in F.D. 1862 Penny . Top of the F seems to slope upwards.

And an 1858 Farthing , with a slightly broken 5 in the date 

Best Regards


1862 Penny new f D.jpg

1858 Farthing Broken 5.jpg

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1858 Halfpenny


Couple of images from an 1858 Halfpenny. Wondered if the last 8 might be an overdate ? If not - still very pleased to find a R over R in Gratia 

Very Best Regards

1858 Halfpenny 8 over 6 possibly in date.jpg

1858 Halfpenny R over R in Gratia.jpg

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Posted (edited)

It's an 1858 over 6. I thought it might be from the same dies as mine, but isn't though. I know there are at least 2 8 over 6 dies. Here's mine.

c1487-1858 over 6 halfpenny ALTERED DATE - Copy.jpg

Edited by Rob
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What is interesting however, is that although the R is overcut on both dies, the 2 styles of R are reversed in relief. That provides a good id for which die is involved.

Date also attached to compare teeth position relative to numerals.

1858 over 6 R over R.jpg

1858 over 6 date.jpg

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Many thanks Rob,

Great to confirm its an 1858 over 6. But as you say , its even more interesting that the overcut R is different and the date vs the teeth positions are different especially the last eight.  

Many thanks for sharing the photos !

(I've been determined to get my money's worth since buying my Tomlov microscope - now I wouldn't be without it)

I'll photograph the obverse and reverse and share later  

Query - is it usual for the teeth. including that odd one under the 5, would be identical on different dies ? (the bit jutting out from that tooth looks identical in both examples ?) 

Very Best Regards  

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You have a master with 18 on it used to make the die, then the last two figures of the date are added later for individual dies

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Many thanks Rob, So there is a Master Die, made out of particularly tough material that is used to create further dies, which need the last two digits added, to mint the halfpenny

So, if I check my other 1850's Halfpennies, I should find the same "tooth" on other dates

Here is my 8 over 6  / R over R in GRATIA (I think that there is a blob at end of the foot of the E in DEI)

Very Best Regards


1858 Halfpenny 8 over 6 and R over R in Gratia.jpg

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