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Information on buying gold coins please.

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Hi I would like to start to invest in gold coins, I was thinking of sovereigns or maple leaf but would like some feedback if ok please. ie best place to buy from best gold coins to buy, thanks. 

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Well, I would certainly avoid the big companies that advertise gold coins for investment purposes in the colour supplements and magazines, they tend to price way over the top. The price of gold bullion changes on a day to day basis,  and the value of for example a sovereign will also vary depending on whether you are buying or selling. And if you decide that you also want your coins to be rare, or in particularly good condition there will be a collector’s premium as reflected in Coin Catalogues such as Spink.

I would strongly advise attending a coin fair such as those held in London, The Midland Coin Fair or the fair held in Yorkshire. There you will se a large variety of gold coinage at keen prices and can talk to bullion dealers and will enter the market with a far greater insight.


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4 hours ago, Joe said:

Hi I would like to start to invest in gold coins, I was thinking of sovereigns or maple leaf but would like some feedback if ok please. ie best place to buy from best gold coins to buy, thanks. 

If you are in UK, better to invest in sovereign or britannia or other uk bullion, in view of taxation concern.  For the pricing, the lower premium is always a better choice, however if go for private sales or dealer, have to ensure those are not counterfeit ones.

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