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Citizen H

Coppers / misc

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Today I found some copper coins that were the left over of the copper 1 Penny coins from my mum.

The Victorian ones were all bashed rubbed and Verdigris and in life with so much to sort out I had these checked out.

I kept these as were in a better condition than most.

please pass on your views


copper misc 2.jpg

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1806 GIII Penny.....a question about Verdigris... can this be treated other than destroying the patina 

copper misc 1.jpg

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I am afraid the cost in time and verdicare would probably be more than the coin is worth , leave it how it is ......

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Speaking of which, has anyone found a reasonably priced source of Verdicare in the UK?

Just done a Google search. All hits are posted from the US or Australia at vast expense. I spotted a "Curator Verdigris fluid" but when I chatted with them it turns out it is for adding a Verdigris effect to copper! Completely opposite from what we want.

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29 minutes ago, copper123 said:

I am afraid the cost in time and verdicare would probably be more than the coin is worth , leave it how it is ......

Hello, I thought this was the answer,  just me mum just kept on with "one day these will be worth a fortune...!"

I kept the silver ones that weren't to bad, the completely rubbed ones I sold for scrap.. it paid for one sovereign that quadrupled in price, I know mum would of had a fit but it would take a life time to explain some of the more practical points of collecting.    


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3 minutes ago, Paddy said:

Speaking of which, has anyone found a reasonably priced source of Verdicare in the UK?

Just done a Google search. All hits are posted from the US or Australia at vast expense. I spotted a "Curator Verdigris fluid" but when I chatted with them it turns out it is for adding a Verdigris effect to copper! Completely opposite from what we want.

I know just what you mean, the GIII is not in too bad condition except for the Verdigris..... bloody heck!!!

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4 hours ago, copper123 said:

I am afraid the cost in time and verdicare would probably be more than the coin is worth , leave it how it is .

Would anyone know where I can buy Verdi-care in the UK or would I need to order it from the USA ?

Many thanks !

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Apologies - just realised I've asked the same question as Paddy !


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the 1806 is a halfpenny not penny - but quite common in that grade and not worth expensive treatment. if you didn't mind the resulting retoning (paler) you could immerse overnight in balsamic vinegar which would dissolve the verdigris into darker patches.

not to be done on a more valuable coin of course

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moving onwards,

this may be a challenge. the coin (Half Penny) has a story and interestingly it dates 1914.  

1914  H Penny.jpg

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Looks to be a halfpenny ground down on one side to play shove ha'penny.


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Awwwwwww you know you could be right........

there was talk that Grandfather has stress, post war and used to rub it to preoccupy his mind and hands...

was a story but like your suggestion, all the best "H" 


1914  H Penny 1 jpg.jpg

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The only thing against it being a shove ha'penny is that usually the reverse was ground off, not the obverse.


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Posted (edited)

Draw find. Victorian farthings, not of any interest to me so looking to move theses on. PM me if theses are of interest to anyone, cheers "H"



Edited by Citizen H

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