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secret santa

My Halfpenny varieties site

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Has become corrupted and all the information on Victoria obverses has been lost. Victoria reverses will be gone next and I don't have the hard copies to recreate them.

I will probably take the site down soon.

Sorry to halfpenny collectors.

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Arrrgh! That is awful! Any idea of the cause?


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Indeed, really bad. It was working earlier today fine - I saw the new uploads of the 13#+L's of Bernie's and Bob's.

One thought - does your web host not have a facility for undoing recent changes, and returning to a previous state where all worked fine? They usually do for exactly this reason.

Fingers crossed.

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If you look at this screen grab I've just done (at 8.55pm today), the page still exists and works - highlighted in red, but at the END of the list of links. The one bracketed [2] in its usual place is a dead link. Copy the one that works while you can!!

Screenshot 2025-02-24 205553.jpg

Edited by Martinminerva
Added screen grab!!

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Hi Richard 

I don't think you have anything missing via the link - looks good

Very Best Regards 



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After posting the initial bad news, I somehow managed to recover the Victoria obverses (I'm not sure how) but am unable to update the page - also the Victoria reverses.

Sadly, on these free sites, the support facilities aren't great.

I have no idea how these 2 pages lost the ability for updates; the other pages are still updateable at the moment but I'm fearful for their fate.

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Well please can someone get in there and screenshot everything for a file at least? I don’t collect halfpennies myself but can appreciate the tragedy should it fall foul.

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13 hours ago, Zo Arms said:

Concentrate on making the penny site bullet proof.

Sadly, not within my remit.

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