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PWA 1967

1953 Proof Halfpenny, OBV 1.

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I hadnt seen or know about these until this morning and appear to be extremely rare.

Possibly only found in the 1953 rare (VIP) proof set.

Unrecorded Obverese 1 by Freeman in proof.

Apologies for the ngc scan not being very clear, only other i have found is one that sold in a rare set at LCA.

A friend of mine also bought a 1967 Proof Halfpenny on Sunday, which again i didnt know existed.


Edited by PWA 1967

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Good spot, Pete.

I have a matt proof example.504676222_1953halfpennymattproofobv.thumb.jpg.45aa79497d7d670030aa3afd90b0ba9b.jpg

Edited by secret santa
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That’s good and never thought to check any that were matte, can you tell me or mail the ngc identification number please.

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2 hours ago, PWA 1967 said:

ngc identification number please


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This is my example (hopefully!). Apologies for the photo of the obverse. Must have taken over twenty photos and the majority came out without the top of Elizabeth’s nose.

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Can i ask please did you know what you had before the post and did you buy the coin in a proof set or on its own please.

I have asked a few people to look at ones they have trying to find some and yours is the first 😀

Most of the currency are obverse 1 but proofs as of today very rare 👍

If you wish to sell it please send me a message.

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Yes I knew what I had before this post. I bought the coin at a provincial auction several years ago. It was advertised as an obverse I and I agreed. The lot contained the halfpenny only and did not come with a set. I was pleased to be the successful bidder. What are the thoughts on how these coins have come about? Are they from broken up VIP sets?

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4 hours ago, Nala said:

Yes I knew what I had before this post. I bought the coin at a provincial auction several years ago. It was advertised as an obverse I and I agreed. The lot contained the halfpenny only and did not come with a set. I was pleased to be the successful bidder. What are the thoughts on how these coins have come about? Are they from broken up VIP sets?

I have since found out the NGC one in my post wasnt in a rare set and was more i only saw the NGC scan on Monday / Tuesday and the only other i could find was in an LCA Rare 1953 Set. Posting on here was a way of trying to find anymore and thank you for your pictures.

Today (Friday) i have been told of another one, although as i cant find very many i dont really have a clue.

They seem to be very rare but like the 1953 Scarcer proof Halfcrowns possibly more than i originally thought as only been looking a few days and all guess work.

Maybe as you saw and bought that one a few years ago, you have seen others since ?

Can you tell me which Auction and lot number you bought it from please as its definately Obverse 1 and does look like a proof.

Edited by PWA 1967

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Hmmm, hadn't thought about the mattes at all, but don't seem to have any others.

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