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Citizen H

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Worn out but interested to know whit it may be, any ideas? worth a £5???

15mm , weight 0.6g

many thanks "H" 


coin 1.jpg

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The first picture looks like the reverse of a King Stephen 'Watford' type penny. Cross Moline is the official designation. Struck in the 1130s-40s.

Edited by Sylvester
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It's probably a Pfennig or Heller from the German states. Bavaria , Austria etc.

The Square in the middle would of had a shield / coat of arms for the area it was struck in. 

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with the scudo I picked up I knew it was of interest to me, this coin by not seeing it in my hand I cant relate a strong enough interest to it... so the hunt continues, 

thank you for the input.  👍

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It could be a 'Hand Heller' or something similar, from the German states. Not a series I know anything about. They do have the sunk in square look on one side, but the cross on the other side doesn't look the same. There could be other types though. But as I say, I know nothing about German/Holy Roman Empire medieval coinage.

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53 minutes ago, Sylvester said:

It could be a 'Hand Heller' or something similar, from the German states. Not a series I know anything about. They do have the sunk in square look on one side, but the cross on the other side doesn't look the same. There could be other types though. But as I say, I know nothing about German/Holy Roman Empire medieval coinage.

Hello Sylvester, yes your right, it leaves very little to go on, I didnt buy it as to little information and to be honest I own enough that already rubbed away.  👍

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Did you find that at birmingham ? If so I am glad I picked the Elizabeth I  three farthing coin in that £5 tray it was by far the best thing in there I found it at about 11 am

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25 minutes ago, copper123 said:

Did you find that at birmingham ? If so I am glad I picked the Elizabeth I  three farthing coin in that £5 tray it was by far the best thing in there I found it at about 11 am

£5 😲

That’s phenomenally good…can we see?

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7 hours ago, Sylvester said:

It could be a 'Hand Heller' or something similar, from the German states. Not a series I know anything about. They do have the sunk in square look on one side, but the cross on the other side doesn't look the same. There could be other types though. But as I say, I know nothing about German/Holy Roman Empire medieval coinage.


There is many many types. It's definitely not a Schwäbisch Hall hand Heller but i am pretty sure it's something from the German states around the same period. 

I unfortunately do not have any literature on coins of that region from that period so haven't been able to tie it down exactly. Ma shops is the best i could find but that's only based on what's available for sale so it's proving elusive. 

Edited by Ukstu

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will put pic on very soon



Edited by copper123
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Great stuff…any identifiable hammered coin at £5 is always going to be a win.

This one is very identifiable, it’s a Threehalfpence. The Greek Cross is only known on this denomination with dates 1578/5 and 1579, so not that difficult to say which yours is, it’s clearly the overdate, showing a definite 5 in the mix.

This is BCW CR-1C:a, S2574 - a nice piece to have at £5 definitely.

Edit: If you have some scales it will likely weigh a smidge over 0.5g (maybe as much as 0.6g) with the missing piece and wear taken into account.

Edited by Coinery

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