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2023 ten pence

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Has anyone found any 2023 ten pences in circulation yet without the privy mark?

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The privy mark is the small Tudor crown behind the king's head. The 2023 mint sets all have the privy mark. The ones that are due to go into circulation, about 600,000 mintage, will not have that privy mark. I want to get a few out of circulation as soon as they appear, before they become all scuffed and scratched. I've yet to see any.

I have noted that the 50p, £1 and £2 coins have turned up on eBay without the marks. I even pulled a £1 coin out of change myself. Still no sightings of the 1p, 5p and 10p coins yet though.


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No, not seen any 2023 ten pence yet. In fact all I have is one 50p and £1.

The privy mark appears on the BU and proof coins behind the kings head to distinguish these from circulation coins. Perversely this is making the coins without privy marks much scarcer.

I see @Sylvester has beaten me to the response, but I'll post this anyway!

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4 minutes ago, Paddy said:

No, not seen any 2023 ten pence yet. In fact all I have is one 50p and £1.

The privy mark appears on the BU and proof coins behind the kings head to distinguish these from circulation coins. Perversely this is making the coins without privy marks much scarcer.

I see @Sylvester has beaten me to the response, but I'll post this anyway!

Well it's a paradox of sorts.

I believe the coins without the privy mark have higher mintages comparative to the mint set issues. However, with the full mintage of non-privy marked issues going into circulation, it means they will be hard to find in true UNC/BU condition, hence the need to get them out of circulation as quickly as possible.

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I suspect most of the circulation coins minted are still sat at the RM awaiting demand.


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This is my feeling too, but I thought the question worth asking. It'd be nice to find them when they do come out. I don't want to be having to pay £50+ for one from eBay in the months to come.

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