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Type 4 & 5 - 1992 ten pences

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I'm looking for BU/UNC 1992 small ten pence coins of Type 4 and Type 5.

Type 4 has L,I pointing between dots on obv and 1 in 10 pointing between dots on rev.


Type 5 has L,I pointing at dots on obv and 1 in 10 pointing at a dot on rev.



I only have VF specimens, I would love some UNC specimens.

Edited by Sylvester

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How many types are there ?

I have 4 1992 10p's, all with the I pointing to a gap and the 1 pointing to a bead.

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There are five types. About 1.5 billion coins struck so most types are excessively common.

Type - Edge - Obv. L/I point... / Rev. 1 points...

Type 1 - Wire edge - Between / At
Type 2 - Flat edge - Between / At
Type 3 - Flat edge - At / Between
Type 4 - Flat edge - Between / Between
Type 5 - Flat edge - At / At


Type 1 = 40% of the mintage (All released to circulation).

Type 2 = 40% of the mintage (Almost all released to circulation - some issue in 'Farewell to the Florin' first day covers).

Type 3 = approx. 20% of the mintage (Released to circulation and also included in all mint/proof sets).

Type 4 = < 1% of the mintage (All released to circulation).

Type 5 = much less than 1% of the mintage (All released to circulation).

The first 3 types are excessively common, ubiquitous you could say. But also, as they were the first types out when the 10p was shrunk, a fair few were put on side by people who kept the new coins. Type 1 and 2 can be got in UNC with some effort to find, they're not too common in mint state. Type 3 is readily available in BU, nothing rare there.

Type 4 and 5, as pictured in my first post, can be found in change with a lot of searching. They are out there, but the highest graded Type 4s (Between/Between) I've found were VF grade and the highest Type 5s (At/At) were EF. I don't think they exist in UNC any more.

Edited by Sylvester
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