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joseph moore

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POLICE are hunting a prolific Birmingham burglar who went on the run after winning bail because his girlfriend had just had their baby.

Joseph Moore, 23, was allowed home each day during a two-week trial at Warwick Crown Court on compassionate grounds.


But the burglar, from Stechford, failed to turn up for sentencing and was jailed for nine years in his absence.

Police are now trying to track down Moore, who went missing on the day the jury returned with a guilty verdict.

He and co-defendant James Maxwell, 27, were jailed for nine years after being found guilty of conspiracy to steal and burglary offences.

The pair committed a string of burglaries across the region. The court heard they were so prolific that they were stealing from three homes every single day at the end of last year. The pair were caught when an off-duty police officer spotted them in Charingworth Road, Solihull, driving an Audi estate bearing different front and rear number plates.

Ironically, police started investigating the pair after a break-in at a lock-up linked to both men in December.

The industrial unit had traces of a cannabis factory, a stolen Audi S4 Quattro, jewellery, passports and numerous false number plates.

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