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Guest Dan

Pre-1947 silver in change

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Guest Dan

for the older reader...

When was the last time you had a pre-47 silver coin in your change? I often remember seeing George V shillings and florins back in the 1970s and the last time I had one in my change was a 1938 scottish shilling at my local newsagents back in around 1986. I remember going through my change at every opportunity as no doubt everyone else did!

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I never found one, but I grew up in the 80's and probably back then didn't know what to look for anyway.


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  chris said:
I never found one, but I grew up in the 80's and probably back then didn't know what to look for anyway.


This is where i bang my head against the desk...

Seeing George VI stuff was an everyday occurence so i probably didn't check it as often as i should.

By the time i was checking i must have come across two/three silver florins in 1988-1992.

I'm sure i saw at least one, possibly 2 G6 florins, i think one would have been 1939, not sure about the other if there was one. I think i saw these before i started so i didn't know they were silver, but i'm sure i saw one that was a good few years older than the 1947/8s i was used to seeing, hence why i have a vague feeling that i did get one.

However this is where i know for a fact i definately had a silver coin. My mother sent me to the shop, as was just on the street from us, and i always made a point of looking at the 10ps she had given me. And low and behold what should i see but a George V florin, one of the latter design ones used after 1927.

Well i really wanted to keep it but my mother had insisted i spent it, so being about 5 or 6 and no money of my own to swap it with, i didn't have alot of choice in the matter. And bye bye went the last silver coin i ever saw in circulation.


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In the early 80s, when shillings and florins were still in use as 5p and 10p pieces, I remember getting a George V shilling (1936 I think) in my change. I still have it. After that it was always George VI cupro-nickel, especially 1948 florins.

A friend who is older than me once went collecting for charity and got a William IV coin. I never saw one of those in pre-decimal days, but later Victoria and Edward VII bronze was common.


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  Geoff T said:
In the early 80s, when shillings and florins were still in use as 5p and 10p pieces, I remember getting a George V shilling (1936 I think) in my change. I still have it. After that it was always George VI cupro-nickel, especially 1948 florins.

A friend who is older than me once went collecting for charity and got a William IV coin. I never saw one of those in pre-decimal days, but later Victoria and Edward VII bronze was common.


William IV! Now that is what i call lucky... I bet they were seldom seen by the end of Vicky's reign, let alone after decimalisation!

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[William IV! Now that is what i call lucky... I bet they were seldom seen by the end of Vicky's reign, let alone after decimalisation!

Needless to say, he swapped it for something more recent and still has it.

Geoff T

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