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One Edward 1st 1/2d which I think is type 3g, but legend has no L in ANGL which conflicts with both Spink and North. Somebody put me right please. Diameter 15mm, weight 0.65g.

Also, the unequal wedges in class 4c. How are they unequal - shape, size, angle or a combination. Thanks.


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Checking "Coincraft" I thought Class 4C more likely. "'Quote'- As previous (Larger Letters and wider crown), but larger face with much more hair, comma abbreviation marks and thick waisted 'S' in obverse legend'".

I realise there is only one comma abbreviation mark on the obverse, but all the rest fits!? :rolleyes:

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P.S. Coincraft is a wealth of information but the pictures are crap! :unsure:

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Even cut into 6" squares it won't cut your ****.

With better quality paper and pictures it would be the Standard reference for UK coins.

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  Geordie582 said:
Checking "Coincraft" I thought Class 4C more likely. "'Quote'- As previous (Larger Letters and wider crown), but larger face with much more hair, comma abbreviation marks and thick waisted 'S' in obverse legend'".

I realise there is only one comma abbreviation mark on the obverse, but all the rest fits!? :rolleyes:

But Spink says 4c has a narrower crown and drapery of 2 unequal wedges which I thought described the picture below which I have taken from the Vosper website. The crown in the Vosper picture has the left and right hand projections pointing between Y & B and E & D whereas mine points to the base of Y & D. North says 4c has a crown less spread with smaller lettering, but without having both in the hand it is impossible to say as you don't know the measurements. However, the Vosper piece suggests S1433A(N1046/1) even though it is listed as S1433 which would mean mine couldn't be 4c. I would have said the abbreviation was a crescent rather than a comma. At no point does Coincraft mention a narrower crown.


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I note the pellets in your coin are considerably larger?

I've spent hours pouring over books and not concluding my investigations with my own coins.

I suppose that is the part of the joy of collecting hammered....

Considering each coin was individually made...how many were struck before a bit of maintenance was made to the die's ?

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I agree,Peter, You cannot be dogmatic with the earlier hammered. There will always be differences of opinion in the field, and long may it continue!

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