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Guest JK

How do you store Gold Bullion Coins?

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Guest JK

Hi everyone,

I have about 8 Bullion gold coins (weighing 1 ounce each).

I wondered if anyone has a fail safe method of storing these? I cannot keep them in capsules as they are in their original mint packaging.

I was thinking more along the lines of putting them in those small 'travel sweet tins' and lining them with silk, which would then form a divide between each coin. As i do not want to scratch them in any form.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks for your time,


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What is the matter with the original mint packaging ?

Unless you are a collector this would suffice.

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Guest JK

I feel the mint packaging is a bit too soft. For example if i dug in deep into the plastic i could scratch the coin if i wanted to (24 carat gold)

These coins are also of the Panda Bullion variety and i intend to collect them, so i need to keep them in really good condition.

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  JK said:
I feel the mint packaging is a bit too soft. For example if i dug in deep into the plastic i could scratch the coin if i wanted to (24 carat gold)

These coins are also of the Panda Bullion variety and i intend to collect them, so i need to keep them in really good condition.

I doubt you could scratch the coin from the plastic, I've got a Canadian Maple Leaf bullion coin in malleable plastic that has no scratches on. However, you obviously want to move them from the packaging to somewhere else, so I would recommend coin capsules, which can be bought from the proprietor of this site. Check the dimensions beforehand.

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  Emperor Oli said:
I doubt you could scratch the coin from the plastic, I've got a Canadian Maple Leaf bullion coin in malleable plastic that has no scratches on. However, you obviously want to move them from the packaging to somewhere else, so I would recommend coin capsules, which can be bought from the proprietor of this site. Check the dimensions beforehand.

Thanks for your reply Oli,

Personally i would like to move them to coin capsules, but the coins seem to sell more if they are in their original mint packaging.

Indeed, i have a 1986 Panda Coin which has a slight hairline mark, even though it is still sealed in its original packaging. So i am not sure about the protection properties of the plastic.


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In an earlier post you said you wanted to collect them, in the previous you take a seller's slant on it. For selling, keep them in the packaging. For collecting, packaging or capsules.

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Guest JK


Thats the think really, i want them as part of my collection, but if needs be i might sell them in the future, so i am caught between 'two stones' here.

But nevertheless i will definitely keep them in their original packaging. Its just that i cannot find a box or case small enough to keep them in my safe, and have to resort to different measures of storage (such as the silk method mentioned in my first post.



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