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Edward III halfpenny id required

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I'm confused. Obverse legend EDWARDVS REX says Ed.III florin coinage, S1557, N1131. But this has i.m Cross pattee instead of cross 3 with a much larger gap between the cross arms and notably thin arms at the cossing point. There appears to be a pellet to the right of the hair, the obverse E's appear to be one closed and one broken and the first R doesn't look right either. These features don't seem to correlate with what is written in North. The reverse legend has LORDON. Help please.


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I'd make it E3HD-020 (Coincraft) This shows with Cross pattee as the first of the Third or Florin coinage. The trouble is that all the references are dotted with statements like "Sometimes or may have" That leaves an awful lot of variation possibilities! <_

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