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Guest Aidan Work

Ian Paisley of Ulster on Youtube.

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Guest Aidan Work
Interesting are your comments about King William III. Facts be known that he was remarkably unpopular in England, especially after the death of his rather estranged wife, Mary II in 1694. He never spoke any English, nor did he care too. He was most probably a homosexual, and is reputed to have brought his lovers with him to England. About all he had going for him was his noted Protestant beliefs. Even for a monarch of that age, he has nothing which sets him above any other monarch of that time, and many which set him below.

Scottishmoney,King William III was a Stuart,even though he was born & bred in the Netherlands.I don't believe that he was a homosexual.

Here's a link; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_III_of_Great_Britain .


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How can you possibly know? What evidence do you have that William III wasn't a homosexual? And why should it matter either way?

You're all hot air and no substance. All you can do to back up your flawed outdated views is link to websites which also often share those flawed views.

Are you a homosexual Aidan, and are you in denial? Do you try to hide this fact to the world and yourself by professing to hate homosexuals?

I see you were just as popular on Wikipedia as you are becoming here.

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Guest Aidan Work
How can you possibly know? What evidence do you have that William III wasn't a homosexual? And why should it matter either way?

You're all hot air and no substance. All you can do to back up your flawed outdated views is link to websites which also often share those flawed views.

Are you a homosexual Aidan, and are you in denial? Do you try to hide this fact to the world and yourself by professing to hate homosexuals?

I see you were just as popular on Wikipedia as you are becoming here.

Chris,I am definitely not a homosexual,but Pope Benedict XVI of Rome & a majority of the Cult of Rome's 'clergy' definitely are.

You should go ahead & read the Book of Leviticus & the Book of Romans.Both of these Books of the Bible make it very clear why homosexuals are heading straight downstairs to the Lake of Fire in Hell,which is where they will burn up for eternity,& why the death penalty is sanctioned.


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You should go ahead & read the Book of Leviticus & the Book of Romans.Both of these Books of the Bible make it very clear why homosexuals are heading straight downstairs to the Lake of Fire in Hell,which is where they will burn up for eternity,& why the death penalty is sanctioned.

You should go ahead and make up your own mind rather than have people who wrote thousands of years ago do it for you. It's all a fairy tale anyway - I mean "lakes of fire" is like something out of Tolkein.

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Guest Guest_Peter_I'm_a_Guest

I also think that people like Paisley are part of the problem in NI.

At least the 'men of blood' on both sides are less influential now than they were ten or more years ago.

Ulster has seen quite a long period of peace and long may it remain so.

With regard to William III I have to confess to being quite a fan!

He was a rather miserable and charmless man who may well have been homosexual but he was also very brave and decisive.

James II (who he deposed) had previously been brave in battle. He commanded the fleet in the second Dutch war nad had some near misses (in one action, some officers standing next to him were killed) but he lost his nerve when faced with William's invasion and the treachery of some of his 'trusted' advisors and commanders. Jmaes was a rather inept ruler (like his father Charles I) and unlike his brother (Charles II) who kept his attachment to the catholic faith hidden, James 'came out' as a follower of Rome which caused much distrust in the realm.

William was seen as saving the country from 'popery' and when reports of what was happening to protestants in France under Louis XIV were published, it is understandable that most of the population would welcolm a foreign (protestant) Prince and have him as a king.

I think that William would have spoken some English (it was his mother's tounge - she was a daughter of Charles I) but I think that it was heavily accented.

Mary II was rather more popular than her husband and seemed to be genuinly attached to him.

William himself was devastated when she died from Smallpox in 1694 leaving him to rule alone.

Apologies for the long post - got carried away!

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Guest Aidan Work

You should go ahead & read the Book of Leviticus & the Book of Romans.Both of these Books of the Bible make it very clear why homosexuals are heading straight downstairs to the Lake of Fire in Hell,which is where they will burn up for eternity,& why the death penalty is sanctioned.

You should go ahead and make up your own mind rather than have people who wrote thousands of years ago do it for you. It's all a fairy tale anyway - I mean "lakes of fire" is like something out of Tolkein.

Emperor Oli,the Lake of Fire in Hell is actually mentioned in the Book of Revelation,as is one of the Pope of Rome's 2 lucky number. - 666.The other one is 13.


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William III did not speak enough English to endear him to his new subjects. Surely he, and Anne for that matter, knew they were merely caretaker monarchs, and that they would have no descendants. Anne's children all died young. Surely it must have been hell for him to rule in England for another nearly 8 yrs after Mary's death in an unfamiliar land with strange customs and language.

Speaking of foreign tongued monarchs, it was not until George III that the UK had a monarch with greater fluency in the English language. The first two Georges considered themselves more German than English and especially the first George never bothered to learn the language at all and spent most of his time back in Hannover.

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Hmm... what happened to 'love thy neighbour' and 'thou shalt not kill' Aidan?

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How can you possibly know? What evidence do you have that William III wasn't a homosexual? And why should it matter either way?

You're all hot air and no substance. All you can do to back up your flawed outdated views is link to websites which also often share those flawed views.

Are you a homosexual Aidan, and are you in denial? Do you try to hide this fact to the world and yourself by professing to hate homosexuals?

I see you were just as popular on Wikipedia as you are becoming here.

Chris,I am definitely not a homosexual,but Pope Benedict XVI of Rome & a majority of the Cult of Rome's 'clergy' definitely are.

You should go ahead & read the Book of Leviticus & the Book of Romans.Both of these Books of the Bible make it very clear why homosexuals are heading straight downstairs to the Lake of Fire in Hell,which is where they will burn up for eternity,& why the death penalty is sanctioned.


People who quote from the Bible always do so selectively. I remember this from a few years ago:-


which humourously shows it all up for the mysogynostic, misanthropic, anachronistic, primitive rubbish that it clearly is.

None of the gay people I have known have chosen to be that way - they just are. Aiden and his like would have us believe in the god of love who creates people in a certain way only to condemn them in life and then to everlasting torment.

People like Aiden and all the other fanatics are the reason why I find religion so frightening. They have no doubts and people who have no doubts can do anything. If we drop our guard they'd soon have us back to burnings, the inquisition and all the rest.

There's no merit at all in remaining true to your principles, when they're demonstrably wrong and cause nothing but misery. That's what's so wrong with religion - it offers no possibility to admit to error.

But I don't suppose there's much point in mentioning any of this to someone who takes the Book of Revelations literally.

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People who quote from the Bible always do so selectively. I remember this from a few years ago:-


which humourously shows it all up for the mysogynostic, misanthropic, anachronistic, primitive rubbish that it clearly is.

None of the gay people I have known have chosen to be that way - they just are. Aiden and his like would have us believe in the god of love who creates people in a certain way only to condemn them in life and then to everlasting torment.

People like Aiden and all the other fanatics are the reason why I find religion so frightening. They have no doubts and people who have no doubts can do anything. If we drop our guard they'd soon have us back to burnings, the inquisition and all the rest.

There's no merit at all in remaining true to your principles, when they're demonstrably wrong and cause nothing but misery. That's what's so wrong with religion - it offers no possibility to admit to error.

But I don't suppose there's much point in mentioning any of this to someone who takes the Book of Revelations literally.

I am going to keep my reply simple and to the point:


Edited by Chris Perkins

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Scottishmoney..My feelings for you are growing...you are a girlie arn't you ?

If not we will have to wrestle naked in front of a huge log fire.

ps Don't drop your coins on the hearth rug...OOPS Mrs Peter has caught me at it again. :o

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Scottishmoney..My feelings for you are growing...you are a girlie arn't you ?

If not we will have to wrestle naked in front of a huge log fire.

That sounds an awful lot like the sin of offering strange fire on the altar of burnt-offering Peter (Leviticus 10:1). I should watch out if I were you or the wrath of MrsPeter won't be the only one you'll have to contend with! !!

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This thread have taken a rather determinately questionable turn. :blink:

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This thread have taken a rather determinately questionable turn. :blink:

For yea, as it is written in the Book of Cyril...

That a man shall lose his friends' hammer

And the young shall not know where lieth the things possessed by their fathers

Which their fathers put there only just the night before

At about eight o'clock

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Ah! The rewards of dabbling in politics and religion! :ph34r:

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Ah! The rewards of dabbling in politics and religion! :ph34r:

They both are strange bedfellows aye?

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But always enjoy a good fight??? B)

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[Chris,I've never been to Ulster,but I do have a good friend who originally comes from County Armagh.Like me,she is a Paisleyite.Gerry Adams & Martin McGuinness are Hell-bound anyway,& should have been shot years ago,because they've killed people themselves.Ian Paisley has never killed anyone.I do agree with Ian Paisley's views on the Roman Catholic 'church',& I do agree with his views on homosexuality.


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AW airs his misbegotten views until he realises he cannot stir the pot. He is scraping for a fight, like a typical troll. He comes in under the guise of being a British Empire collector, post lots of stuff about coins, then begins to post his vitriolic thoughts about religions, Irish in general, the Vatican etc. This is not the only forum which he have partaken of, he does indeed post his filth on others as well. He is demonstrably homophobic, which studies have suggested is a reactive self denial of one's inner doubts of their own sexuality.

Be not offended by him, but do be sympathetic for the poor misbegotten soul. He acts of many guises, all of which he is denial of. Indeed he is a remarkably troubled individual whom have claimed on other forums to have suffered abuse by certain representatives of a purported church. So therefore he alleges said institution have an official policy of such matters, which is a bit far out, but in his tortured and tormented existence purports to have truths.

Edited by Chris Perkins

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Speaking of foreign tongued monarchs, it was not until George III that the UK had a monarch with greater fluency in the English language. The first two Georges considered themselves more German than English and especially the first George never bothered to learn the language at all and spent most of his time back in Hannover.

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Anne was gay too was she! I reckon, easily 10% or more of the population is gay (whether they admit it or not Aidan), so statistically 1 in 10 monarchs is also gay or at least bi, which is essentially the same according to that wonderful source of information on how we should all lead our lives that certain people keep quoting from.

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Guest Aidan Work

Aidan's bio on MySpace makes for good entertaining reading!!

What is wrong with my biography on my website at MySpace? It's not my fault that all homosexuals are going to end up downstairs where they will burn up in the Lake of Fire in Hell? The Nazi Pope of Rome is also a faggot as well!


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Alright, that's enough, I've had it up to 'ere with your f-ing stupid religious and down right rude bullshit.

You are the weakest link, goodbye.

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I don't understand how he is so anti-racist according to his profile i.e. against the persecution of people because of their skin colour, yet is vehemently homophobic i.e. persecutes homosexuals because of their sexual orientation.

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