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Is there a standard reference work on coinage from the former British colonies? Huge amounts of currency were minted for use throughout the British Empire; I only have a little but I'm keen to learn more.

Thanks - Geoff

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I just use the two Krause and MIshler catalogues that cover 1800 to the present day. That covers the vast majority of colonial coinage... and you get the rest of the world for free :)

They go into some areas in lots of detail (like India for example), but I don't know if there's a lot missed out too.

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Yeah I think that's about it. I know there are specialist books on the hugely vast areas of colonial Indian coinage, and I've found that Krause can often be a little inaccurate one way or the other. Definately worth having though.

One of my next book purchases should be the Krause 1701 - 1800 book.

There are other world coin books similar to Krause, there is a German range, but I think Krause is the only one in English.

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Our chemistry teacher is called Dr. Krause and he's a madman from South Africa (or saus aefrika as he says). He holds the world record for cutting through the greatest depth of concrete with a laser. He sends people (when they talk) to stand out on the field in the freezing rain. Sometimes, he flies into rages and smashes his head against the whiteboard. That was off-topic but hey :D

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You seem to know loads of cool teachers Oli! :blink:

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Hey, he is in no way cool. He split everyone up because we were talking (His impression of talking is clicking his fingers and going "Nipple nipple nipple nipple"). Me and my friend Elliot, who I sit next to got moved. He moved us to the back row and we sat next to one another. He then screamed "NOOOOOO. Do you have to hold hands with each other? Sit at the other end, NOW!" So I said under my breath "Go back to South Africa, where you belong" and I got a detention.

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I often wonder with teachers....Why do schools always employ the nasty ones?!

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I often wonder with teachers....Why do schools always employ the nasty ones?!

He looks like Jerry Springer. That could have been a deciding factor.

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Because they are the best usually, and if I were your teacher you would have got a detention everyday of the week for that remark!

And I would have jolly well got Elliot's phone number and phoned home ;)

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if I were your teacher you would have got a detention everyday of the week for that remark!

If I were your pupil, I would have you fired for doing that!

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No your wouldn't, you jumped up little pip squeak, because I would have been justified in my actions, and the Head would take me (Dr Krause) seriously, and certainly not you!

I would be deeply offended if I was told to Go back to South Africa, where I belong. After probably being invited to the UK to help fill a shortage of teachers, leaving my home land and starting fresh in a foreign country.

I remember I once asked an Australian supply teacher if he was decended from convicts or aboriginies, then I stated that he was too fair skinned to be of the latter. He marched me out of the class room and almost decked me! He wasn't very pleased and I'd been calling him Bruce all leason.

But of course I look back now with maturity and realise that I would of bloody well deserved it if he had! It was early 90's so after the banning of physical punishment at schools, but he did almost loose it. So well done that man for keeping control.

That'll loose me some Australian customers now!

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  chris said:
That'll loose me some Australian customers now!

Do you have many?

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In this day and age, it is most probably illegal to set a whole week of detention

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You're probably right, bloody PC. Aren't I showing my 25 years of age.

Australian customers: I have a couple of semi regulars, nothing major.

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So anyway, back to the catalogues :)

I wasn't very impressed with the 2003 edition of K&M... I have noticed missing sections and sections in the wrong place... like the editing and layout was very hurried. The previous 2002 edition seemed much more "finished" in this respect. Any comments about 2004?

I also have the Krause German catalogue, which isn't really worth it unless you need the pre 1800 stuff... there is no more detail than the world catalogues. Also, my copy suffers from a printing error (about 100 pages missing).

Finally, I was surprised to find in my local Waterstones a book dedicated to identifying and valuing Chinese Cash coins. Not what I was looking for, but interesting to see.

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Also, my copy suffers from a printing error (about 100 pages missing).

Take/Send it right back! I got Spink's 2003 book and it started to fall apart hours after I'd bought it so I went back and they gave me a new one and some vouchers. It pays to complain!

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I have considered it, but I bought it from Amazon about two years ago and didn't discover the fault for ages. The hassle and postage involved in getting it exchanged would be more than the thing is worth to me!

However, noramlly I would complain... in fact the reason I was in the bookshop at the weekend was to look for a non-grubby copy of Spinks! Might as well wait for 2005 edition of that now though...

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Thanks for the tips - I'll follow them up.


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  Emperor Oli said:
I got Spink's 2003 book and it started to fall apart hours after I'd bought it so I went back and they gave me a new one and some vouchers.  It pays to complain!

Complaining has never worked for me! I once bought a book and a few hours later i found the last chapter missing! Tried to complain but the company told me they had much more important things to do ! :angry:

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Complaining is great :P I once bought a packet of walnut whips from Marks and Spencer and one - shock horror - had no walnut on! So I sent a stern letter to their headquarters and got £15 in vouchers which my mum paid me for so when she did her shopping there she could use them and I got money!

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Nice! I once had a Nestle walnut whip without a walnut, but didn't complain, as i hate walnuts. I was chuffed! :D

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Who cares? The product was defective - for all they know you were just buying it for the walnut!

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  Emperor Oli said:
The product was defective - for all they know you were just buying it for the walnut!

As if! :lol: Nuts are probably the worst thing that ever happened to this planet!

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Nuts are probably the worst thing that ever happened to this planet!

TAKE THAT BACK! Pistachio, almond, brazil nuts, the list of delicious ones is endless! Maybe as you get older your palate will change and acquite good taste ;) Oh yeah, I think Hitler is above nuts in the worst thing to happen to this planet :P

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