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Guest Joy

George 3 Shilling

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Guest Joy

Hi,does anyoneone know what the letter stamp WRL means?.the reason I ask is,a friend of mine has a 1787 George 3 Shilling with these letters actually stamped into it on the side with the head,only once,near the outside of the coin..Does this detract from it's value & while You're at it could anyone give me an approximate value?.All writing on coin,date etc is easily legible, I guess the quality would be EF or thereabouts.Here's hoping someone can help.Best regards-Joy

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  Joy said:
Hi,does anyoneone know what the letter stamp WRL means?.the reason I ask is,a friend of mine has a 1787 George 3 Shilling with these letters actually stamped into it on the side with the head,only once,near the outside of the coin..Does this detract from it's value & while You're at it could anyone give me an approximate value?.All writing on coin,date etc is easily legible, I guess the quality would be EF or thereabouts.Here's hoping someone can help.Best regards-Joy

I don't know for sure because I don't have one, but I assume that the WRL is the same WRL that puts lots of copies of coins on ebay. They all have WRL in their listing. This would be an example.

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We've had a discussion about this sort of thing, somewhere on the forum, about this -


Could be another over-enthusiastic Victorian collector. I doubt it would be the replica company WRL, as there would be little call for them :P

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