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Not my strongest subject given the absence of halfpennies. I make this Richard 1st class 4a based on the pellet beard. Does that sound about right? Moneyer is GOLDWINE ON CA which would tie in with known strikings. Thanks.


Edited by Rob

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Does it have colon stops on the reverse, in place of normal stops? One of the deciding features in North.

The large curve for hair would indicate 4B, the drapery curve dissapearing into the beaded circle also points to this. (But I'm always open to contradiction on hammered, as the more you read, the less you seem to know!!)

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  Geordie582 said:
Does it have colon stops on the reverse, in place of normal stops? One of the deciding features in North.

The large curve for hair would indicate 4B, the drapery curve dissapearing into the beaded circle also points to this. (But I'm always open to contradiction on hammered, as the more you read, the less you seem to know!!)

No, it's got a single stop between ON & CA, that's why I suggested 4a.


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