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Emperor Oli

Scripophily, anyone?

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When I was doing my work experience at the stockbroker's, they had lots of stock certificates hung on the wall and I remarked how exquisite they were. So now I'm thinking I might like to get into scripophily (that is the collecting of share certificates, bonds etc.) Does anybody on here collect them and have any pointers? I want them mainly for their visual delight rather than monetary value but, you know, it helps!

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i do not collect them, but go with the old ones. it is pointless to collect the newer ones because there are so many made...

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First, master J.M.D, you must understand about the stock market. Unlike commemorative coins from the mint today, where zillions are made, this rule does not always apply to Stocks. It depends on how much the company wants to issue i.e. How much capital to raise. So if they wanted to start a company and they needed £10,000 (hypothetically), they could issue two stocks of £5000, 10 stocks of £1000 etc. So it doesn't always apply that there are many certificates out there. Anyway, I wouldn't collect modern because they are revolting compared to the older ones.

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Why is most modern stuff horrible compared to older things? Like some coin designs that the mint have *improved* from the original one.

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I suppose it has something to do with style, and the fact that us, as 'eccentric' coin collecting types, find it very difficult to like anything new.

It's the Romantic in us all!

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Ok attached is an old certificate - beautiful isn't it? There are far nicer ones but this was the best I could find. P.S I put the Vigo one up for obvious reasons ;)


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And here, Ladies and Gentlemen, is a revolting new issue! I think most sane persons will agree that the first, older one has more about it than this......


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:lol: The modern one just looks like some kind of joke compared to the old one!

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The old one is nicer, but isn't that always the way? :D

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