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questions on Euro coinage

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Will the "common" designs of the Euro coinage be changing after this year?

All denominations from 10 cent and up carry a map of Europe, showing only the EU member nations. (the 12 that currently issue Euro coinage, United Kingdom, and Sweden). With the addition of several new nations into the EU, will the map be modified??

Also, all denominations have the 12 stars representing the 12 Euro coin issuing nations. As more of these new member nations begin issuing official Euro coins, will more stars be added?? Or perhaps a whole new design will be made??

Has any of the current 12 Euro coin issuing nations changed their "homeland side" designs yet? Are there guidelines as to how often they can be changed? Changes are inevitable for several of them, especially those with Monarchs' portraits.

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Changes are inevitable for several of them, especially those with Monarchs' portraits.

Tell that to the Maria Theresa collectors! ;)

Seriously though i dunno, hadn't thought about it but i should imagine it will be updated, just like the US flag everytime a new state gets added.

Could create some interesting errors that could if someone can't count.

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Also, all denominations have the 12 stars representing the 12 Euro coin issuing nations. As more of these new member nations begin issuing official Euro coins, will more stars be added?? Or perhaps a whole new design will be made??

Even before the next round of countries join, the EU already has 16 members. The decision was taken when the last 4 joined to keep the number of stars at 12, so that the European flag is now more a symbol than an accurate representation of the number of members. I imagine it will stay that way on the Euro coins as well.

Remember that membership of the EU doesn't mean that the relevant country uses the Euro. So far the UK, Denmark and Sweden are non-Euro EU countries. There's no correlation between the flag and countries in the Euro-zone.

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i'm beginning to wish we were a little more like Switzerland.

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Did you know that U.S Federal Agents can open Swiss Bank Accounts? Normall they can't be opened except by the owner but there are three notable exceptions. Three types of activity which the Swiss consider illegal, and are bound by treaty with the United States to "open" the account for possible legal proceedings are: organized crime activities, drug trafficking, and "insider trading" of securities. In instances of this kind, the Swiss authorities have the final say on whether or not to reveal any information. I thought that's quite odd, that a country so neutral as Switzerland would sign such a treaty with a foreign power. By-the-by, the Cayman Islands acutally make more than Switzerland in banking per year B)

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I mean't the fact that Switzerland has kept the hell out of the EU/euro.

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Yes I know but I thought that was an interesting bit of trivia.

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