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Last weekend I went mudlarking on the Thames foreshore with my brother

By mudlarking I mean poking about to see what can be found at low tide

I have a favourite spot near Rotherhithe which is about a mile downstream from Tower Bridge.

The interesting fact is that you can often find coins on the surface but there is so much other stuff there that good eyesight is needed to spot them.

We were joined by someone who had been watching from the bank and he came up with the best find - a 1853 sixpence. It was rather worn and a little bent but it really made his day!

I didn't find any coins myself but picked up an ARP (Air Raid Precaution) wardens button. There was lots of the usual clay pipe and pottery to see, and tons of old ships nails.

I have yet to find anything really exiting at this spot (the oldest coin so far was a rather worn 1773 halfpenny) but next time- who knows!


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Maybe a number of object will end up in shore coming from land through river and to the beach,metal detector it might be handy I think,

For me most objects will settle in the lowest ground maybe in exit and openig inside and outside the thames in time build up and will be same level, park and historic site near the thames, is for me a good spot if not big housing state or public building for the number of people goes there and near to the river, or the area in the far end entrace of thames boundaries between rural and urban.


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