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Somebody posted this on another forum. Thought I'd share it here for anyone that hasn't seen it.

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I wouldn't buy something that had started as a photo and was turned into a coin by a computer (and finished by hand). Shame there appear to be no more real engravers creating proper works of high releif art at the Canadian Royal Mint.

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Interesting, but alas I agree with CP, there is shame in not being able to do the whole thing with talent instead of computery.

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They couldn't find enough talented people to do the engraving as quickly as they churn out the commemorative toot these days! Slightly hypocritical because I do often sell said commemorative wares, but only to encourage novices to get into proper coins, or at least attractive or meaningful ones.

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I dont know about the process of engraving coins which came from a photo or an artist sketching images,in the coin Im still learning.

But the picture is a captured time frame of an event and the issue on photography and painting and sculpture is still alive, even in the past during the invention of photogarpy bother the other artist and painters but both have different followers and now computer.

As photography is consider a art and use in the ingarving of coin, for me its art influence from other art from photography to coin or other prefer from painters artist engraver to coint.

For me it is better a picture from the event engrave in the coin or other artist engrave an event seen the event personally or have a great attachement or knowledge to ones nation then engave it to a coin, I not into that deep yet, for I rarely seen an article about the design on a coin and the artist and why.

I will like coin from my country but I will like more if a fellow countryman design it somekind of nationalistic.I will hate it if a foreigner will design it with no knowledge and attachedment to ones nation or just pursuing a talent of a foreign artist because he is good will it will be best if he reasonable present the image in the coin even if he is different nation.

That will be a question of millions of individual in one nation an no one will represent its own country that will be akward just for me.

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Many of the famous names in coin engraving in the UK have been foreign, but I don't think that hindered them from creating wonderful works of art. Coins should be works of art created by talented individuals. If you want an image of a moment in time, fine, buy a photo or a painting, but a coin is a form of sculpture. The artist often creates something that is not as true to life as a photo/painting, but that's what it's about, the artistic licence to make a bust of Queen Victoria, George III etc that looks better than they did at the time!

I could no doubt say more, but now it's time for bed.

A coin created by a computer may look nice, but it is not inkeeping with the art of numismatics.

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