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Chris H

Reference book for world tokens (non money)

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Good day to all members!

I am a new collector, and to build a start for my collection I purchased some cheap circulated coins, the bag contained some tokens ie Bell Fruit, PEP, School tokens, hungarian telephone tokes etc. Can anyone recommend a good reference book that will help me to correctly identify them and offer additional information. I have all the "World of Coins" catalogues and really am seeking something similar for tokens and/or Commemorative Medals. I have searched website after website but cannot find anything suitable. Although, not my intended purchase, it would be nice to find out a bit more about them. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Because this covers such a wide variety of stuff, I believe you will have to use numerous references. I have seen a Krause catalog of better known world tokens, but they are going to be more like telephone tokens etc. and not local.

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Thanks for the response. I have done a search for Krause and world tokens, but still get no positive results. Do you know the exact name of the book or even an ISBN ref. (I'm sure you have it on the tip of your tongue!!). Any information would help, and thanks again for taking the time. Chris

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Hi Chris

Whitmore produce a catalogue of mainly tokens and medallions.(they only do a few coins so they don't really compete with Predecimal)

I have just noticed they had for sale in a recent catalogue 20 different books on the subject.

It would be a good starting point as they are the experts.


01684 540651

Email Teynhaml@aol.com

Regards Peter

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The subject is huge. So I doubt that any one book would help much.

I agree with Peter that a knowledgeable dealer would be a good way forward.

The only ones I have personal experience with are Galata, Paul and Bente Withers.

They have a website (www.galata.co.uk) and produce a catalogue (Sacra Moneta).

They publish books, write them (including books about tokens), and sell them.

Good firm,


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Thanks for the advice guys, I thought it was going to be so simple.......Wake up and think again!!!.

Some of the books look promising, however it is not a field I want to get too specialised in. I was really looking for something to cover general (popular) world token issues. I am quite sure the examples I have will be of no great interest, and therefore probably not worth too much investment in too many specific books. If anyone knows of something a little more general, please shout, alternatively I will trace each example through individual web seaches. Thanks again for the advice and points of contact, they will no doubt be of great use in the future. Chris

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