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Monthly Coin Magazines

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Maybe they are doing the same thing Britain did in 1971?

Maybe we should convert to the Euro to make the decimals nice and rare...

SHHHHHHH!!! Don't let them hear you say that! The Mint seems so desparate to make money issuing tat they might just go for that one. With of course 365 different obverse designs for the 1€ coins each year.

As for coin mags .. I don't actually ever remember buying one. I used to subscribe to Spink's Circular but essentially for the coins for sale and nice pics of coins (for sale!). The articles by and large were not of interest to me.

However, I am aware that compared to most here I have a very narrow collecting interest indeed. Despite that, I was interested to realise that I got just as much of a thrill in finding a counterfeit 50p piece the other day as I do in tracking down a particularly nice hammered shilling, so I guess a general interest in coins is still there. I too read old books occasionally and find them fun. But somehow a 20 or 30 year old mag of any description is interesting because of the snapshot on prices, life and interests of a different era. I've been wondering how to translate that all into a magazine of today and .. most importantly whether I'd buy such a thing. And I'm not sure I would.

Now, as I say, I'm likely not typical. But looking around here at the range of coin collecting interests, I find it difficult to think of a magazine that could keep up the diversity, academic depth and entertainment value to keep us all interested month after month.

How about something like they have for the Tasmanian Numismatic Society? (http://www.vision.net.au/~pwood/feb11.htm) This is a fine example of what can be achieved with an e-only edition and it's almost always got something of interest in it and doesn't just limit itself to Australian coinage.

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That is a good read!

These e-only editions make me more and more attracted to the idea of a good e-only British magazine (with subs and paypal donations of course!)

Would Chris be able to do something like this or is he too busy?

Because I would certainly sign up and donate even on my limited budget if some regulars here wrote an article or two...

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that tasmanian emag is a devil of a read :D:D:D .................sooorrryyyyyy.

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that tasmanian emag is a devil of a read :D:D:D .................sooorrryyyyyy.


But seriously I'd like to see something similar about British coins!

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As for coin mags .. I don't actually ever remember buying one. I used to subscribe to Spink's Circular but essentially for the coins for sale and nice pics of coins (for sale!). The articles by and large were not of interest to me.

However, I am aware that compared to most here I have a very narrow collecting interest indeed. Despite that, I was interested to realise that I got just as much of a thrill in finding a counterfeit 50p piece the other day as I do in tracking down a particularly nice hammered shilling, so I guess a general interest in coins is still there. I too read old books occasionally and find them fun. But somehow a 20 or 30 year old mag of any description is interesting because of the snapshot on prices, life and interests of a different era. I've been wondering how to translate that all into a magazine of today and .. most importantly whether I'd buy such a thing. And I'm not sure I would.

Now, as I say, I'm likely not typical. But looking around here at the range of coin collecting interests, I find it difficult to think of a magazine that could keep up the diversity, academic depth and entertainment value to keep us all interested month after month.

Yes, I love Spinks' Circular for that reason too (as I also did Dolphin Coins' brochure - what was that called, 'The Sovereign'? Some excellent photos of rare proofs, etc)

And I agree - part of the attraction of 1960s-era Coin Monthly is the snapshot of a different era, and ah! more innocent times! (Who now would print a cartoon featuring a football match coin toss, with all the players scrabbling around on all fours, and the ref asking "Are you sure it was a 1951 penny?") :lol:

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Well something a tad less diverse than Coin News and with some interesting articles for light reading would interest me.

Anything else is a plus (e.g something like picture grading for types of coins, coins for sale, articles on variations, interesting pictures, archived coin info, extracts from old coin books, interesting guides etc.)

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Let us see outer Mongolia special 10p editions and the latest banknotes from Asia.....sorry not interested.

Mr Mussell please take note.

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