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Guest Jennifer


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Guest Jennifer

Hi i am new to this site and coins as well could someone please give me some information on a 1943 penny that was originally made in silver, and has been a British coin since the eighth century. Bronze pennies similar to the one i have were minted in Australia from 1911-1964 and in 1966 was coinage to our ancestors for more than 1000 years and was passed out of currency and into history.

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Hi i am new to this site and coins as well could someone please give me some information on a 1943 penny that was originally made in silver, and has been a British coin since the eighth century. Bronze pennies similar to the one i have were minted in Australia from 1911-1964 and in 1966 was coinage to our ancestors for more than 1000 years and was passed out of currency and into history.

Not entirely certain what it is you want to know ,Jennifer. Is it about a specific 1943 penny, or pennies in general?

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Guest Jennifer
Hi i am new to this site and coins as well could someone please give me some information on a 1943 penny that was originally made in silver, and has been a British coin since the eighth century. Bronze pennies similar to the one i have were minted in Australia from 1911-1964 and in 1966 was coinage to our ancestors for more than 1000 years and was passed out of currency and into history.

Not entirely certain what it is you want to know ,Jennifer. Is it about a specific 1943 penny, or pennies in general?

It's about a 1943 penny that i came across that my father had given me years ago.

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It's about a 1943 penny that i came across that my father had given me years ago.

I found this website whilst browsing: http://www.australianstamp.com/Coin-web/au...ny/penngeo6.htm. It seems to be a pretty common year and unless in excellent condition is likely to be worth little more than loose change. It did however surprise me that some pennies from this year were minted in India. Prices incidentally are in Australian dollars.

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Jennifer has emailed me very tiny pictures of the coin in question. It looks like it's just an average circulated one.

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There are six varieties of Australian 1943 Penny. One minted in Melbourne, Two minted in Bombay and three in Perth. For varieties collectors the Australian predecimal coinage is among the most interesting.

You should check out Jon Saxtons excellant site at http://www.triton.vg/. Go down the bottom of the page to get to the coin stuff.

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That is a great site, Thanks. I didn't know so many varities existed. I have a complete Aussie Penny (except the 1930), and Half Penny collection, plus many spares. I can see I am going to have to start looking for varities.

Bob C.

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I can see I am going to have to start looking for varities.Bob C.

As an (aged) IT guy I can appreciate the clean simplicty of Jon's site. I wish they were all that good.

The 'John Dean' refered to was the first editor of 'The Australian Coin Review' and his little book 'The 1965 Australian Coin Varieties Catalogue' draws heavely on that publication, and is well worth hunting down. It does come up on US and Australian ebay occaisionally, together with 'Fosters Catalogue of Australian Coin Varieties' of c.1965, Robert L Clarke's 'The Coins of British Oceania' 4th edition 1968 and finally the 3rd edition of 'The Guidebook & catalogue of British Commonwealth Coins 1649 - 1971' by Jorome Remick & others.

There are a few more sites that you should also check out.

The Australian Numismatic Society http://www.the-ans.com/

The Tasmanian Numismatic Society http://www.vision.net.au/~pwood/tns.html

Mike Locke California Gold http://www.calgoldcoin.com/

All of these have great Australian predecimal information.


John H.

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I will go over the added sites you have provided, thanks.

My only Australian Book (other thn Krause) is the "Modern British Commonwealth Coins" by John Harris. Since it is a Whitman publication, it is more like the USA "Redbook," but it does list Australia, and New Zealand coins.

You are an old IT guy...it's a small world, I am also. I am retiring this Friday from the business.


Bob C.

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