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Collection shifts focus again...

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I can't fight it much longer, the lure of hammerd coins is getting to me, i think i've caught the inspirational bug in an area that held little interest for me a year or so ago.

But i like medieval (and early modern) history, and that's half the attraction to the area.

Pennies are a particularly attracting prospect, as are quarter nobles.

The latter are affordable, but i'd have to sacrafice the sixpence set, and needless to say i won't be doing that.

The sixpences of 1674-1694 are still keeping my interests so i will continue collecting those.

The later ones upto 1758 i will get as and when i can, but it won't be a goal. Anything else is on the backburner, or dumped entirely.

Don't think i'll try and finish the 20th century sixpence date set off now, but i'll hang onto them for now.

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Right i've figured out how to fit hammered into the collection.

So i've got the sixpence date set.

Well i'm going for a type set, which will involve hammered coins.

Having realised that i have a coin for every single monarch since Charles II, and quite a few other monarchs knocking about prior to the 17th century. I've decided to have a go at getting at least one coin from every monarch from Egbert through to Elizabeth II (Although it'll probably be William V by the time i'm finished).

Although Egbert will cause problems, i can probably do it from his successor Æthelwulf through to now.

Only monarchs missing will be Egbert, Æthelbald (who didn't have any coins), Edward the Martyr (although a cut halfpenny would solve that one), Empress Matilda, Edward V and Oliver Cromwell (although a contemporary pattern/copy would suffice).

For Edward VIII i have a modern pattern. (not a Maklouf one either).

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