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1806 Farthing

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Hello there,

I am a young lad and I have only recently started collecting coins.

I have recently found a 1806 Farthing ( I believe) within my collection of coins. http://www.ukcoinpics.co.uk/g3/fa/fa06p.jpg this is a photo of one I found online searching google.

The coin seems unusual to me. First of all, the coin seems upside down (stick with me here, I have not gone mad!), when you look at King George III, then flip the coin over as you would any other coin, the Britannia is upside down.

ALSO, the coin i found on google has the words BRITANNIA written on it. well the one I have only has BRITANN. It does not look as if the "IA" of BRITANNIA has been rubbed off or anything.

Can anyone help me with this at all? I will try taking some photos and adding them if it helps?

Thank you in advance.


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Thinking about it, I thought I should try get some images to show you all.

The quality of the images is not great because I ended up using my scanner, which is not that good.

When I scanned the coins, I flipped them round left to right. As you can see the images are upside down. Hope these help.

I have added a red line on the image indicating where the words BRITANN start and finish.


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The upside down thing is normal for then (and a very popular forum and email observation from novices that think they have something unusual).

The missing letters could be due to those letters of the die being filled with crud, or it could be wear. I can't really see from the picture. It certainly looks like a farthing though.

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