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Chris Perkins

Bandwidth and picture usage.

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Hello everyone, I'm back from the UK now.

I think I may have briefly mentioned this somewhere else in the forum...

Over the last few months the bandwidth usage of the website (or amount of data transfered in gb) per month has been way over my limit of 1gb per month. On one hand it shows that elements of the wesite are growing in popularity, which is great. On the other hand it means I have to jolly well pay extra if I can't get the bandwidth useage down to a reasonable level!

I've made small changes behind the scenes to the main website, made a few images smaller etc so that less bandwidth is used up when a user views images. That should help things a little.

Looking at my stats the main usage of bandwidth is the forum. It's growing quite nicely and being filled with lots of interesting stuff, but can I ask favours of you people?

  • Only post images when you really have to. I will be looking through and removing irrelevant images when I can.
  • When practical, please post a link to the web page that the image is on (or to the actual image if absolutely necessary, but see next point)
  • Try not to steal images from other websites, as they are probably copyrighted. I have seen some images lately that I'm pretty sure are not the property of the poster
  • MOST IMPORTANTLY: Ensure all images are as small (in actual size and kb size) as possible. You don't need a huge screen size picture to show something well.

I will be having a look at reducing the maximum size of image that can be posted, so if you find you are unable to post a picture that may be the reason. Any problems, post here of PM me.

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I wasn't aware that you had to pay extra for this. In the future, I will try to minimise all applications of my posts eg. using links to websites instead of pictures.

Many thanks,

Jon Styles.

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Thanks. To quate a popular supermarket advertising campaign: Every little helps.

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Should I take the pics out of my sig?

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Tis a bit O.T.T, will!

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•Only post images when you really have to. I will be looking through and removing irrelevant images when I can.

•When practical, please post a link to the web page that the image is on (or to the actual image if absolutely necessary, but see next point)

•Try not to steal images from other websites, as they are probably copyrighted. I have seen some images lately that I'm pretty sure are not the property of the poster

•MOST IMPORTANTLY: Ensure all images are as small (in actual size and kb size) as possible. You don't need a huge screen size picture to show something well.

cant you do something on the site that deletes topics if they have had no reply forover three weeks?...i am sure that would help!

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Don't delete them, just archive them so they can be retrieved without taking up space on the site

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I had a little clean up already of the odd dead irrelevant topic, and I can indeed remove the topics from the main site but have them accessible if you adjust something that will let you view the older topics. I'll do that at some point.

It is of course important to keep most things, as they provide useful info for browsers (the thousands of people that silently watch, and YOU know who you are!!)

Will, your signatures are very small, and once they are in most browser cache's they don't take up anymore bandwidth.

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Thanks for clearing thatg up, Chris. Btw, you still have that auto-message enabled from when you were away.....

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also, would putting the Today's top 10 posters, the Overall top 10 posters and the My last 10 posts pages in one page save space?

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Thanks for clearing that up, Chris. Btw, you still have that auto-message enabled from when you were away.....

Bum, so I have! I'll turn that off, thanks.

also, would putting the Today's top 10 posters, the Overall top 10 posters and the My last 10 posts pages in one page save space?

No, because text is very small indeed in terms of bandwidth, and I have a feeling that once you have viewed it on the entry page, your browser just repeats it at the bottom of other pages from your local PC cache. Images are by far the largest drain on bandwidth. Thanks for the suggestion.

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Would you consider accepting donations to help offset your added expenses?? I don't post a lot, but I do lurk and read, which does use the bandwidth. I would have no problem sending you a couple dollars every month or so, just to help out a little.

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Would consider accepting donations to help offset your added expenses?? I don't post a lot, but I do lurk and read, which does use the bandwidth. I would have no problem sending you a couple dollars every month or so, just to help out a little.

i would not be able to help on this, i am not alowed to use money like that :( ...

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Neither am I even though I would like to.

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I'm not allowed to either! :(

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My dad says I can spend my pocket money as I want

So you're OK for 10/- Chris.




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Well that's very kind of you to offer Kuhli, and your 50p decimal would be great too Bob. I'll perhaps create a paypal donation button and put it on the bottom of the forum at some point.

Or cash/cheques, paypal to cp@predecimal.com are all very welcome. I have until the end of the month before Lee, at my hosting company will probably ask me to pay extra. He has been letting me off for months now, and I had some time to try and reduce the B/W, but haven't had much luck.

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i've got about 2/- lying around, in decimal halfpennies. :D

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That's just silly, it would cost you more to post it!

(by the way Sylvester, your cheque is in the post. Sylvester sells his coins the easy way, and in doing so, he helps keep little coin dealers going! ;))

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That's just silly, it would cost you more to post it!

(by the way Sylvester, your cheque is in the post. Sylvester sells his coins the easy way, and in doing so, he helps keep little coin dealers going! ;))

today is a good day...

i've pulled another dot to dot 1992 10p from circ, in better condition that all the others. Got another Machin penny.

Arranging to buy a decent King John penny, (it has subtle rainbow toning) but a strong legend and decent portrait are the main reason why to buy it.

And i'm needing the cash! :D

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Chris. I send my 10/- via PayPal

Thanks for running a good site and hope you get plenty of subscriptions to help with the ongoing costs.

As you all know I am not into this coin collecting malarkey, but you and other members have supplied me with some good advice and information in the course of our salvage work.. [coins]

Have got and hope to be getting lots more coins from our wreck so will be back on a regular bases for advice.


Bob [seadart Divers Assoc]

PS. just got your e-mail Chris, you’re welcome.

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Thanks for your donation Bob, hopefully you've opened the floodgates!

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i would not be able to help on this, i am not alowed to use money like that

Are you lot anti-charity?

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I'm not asking for any money, but any money would be gratefully received. Donors will not get increased privaledges or anything like that. I don't want to be seen as a charity!

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No I just meant giving away money to worthy causes I was just wondering why they were prohibited, after all, it is their money.

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