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Guest dodusk

London Mint offer.

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Guest dodusk

I have bought coins from the London Mint before and today I got a brochure offering an original coin, a pre-decimal penny which will be 24 Ct gold platd and the shield and robes etc. in full colour.

This is prices at £19.95 with a £10.00 of voucher, tortal £9.95.

Will this appreciate in time do you think?

I'm very new to copin collecting and it's lucky for me I found about this forum which may answer some questions.

Any help/advice will be welcome.


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I have bought coins from the London Mint before and today I got a brochure offering an original coin, a pre-decimal penny which will be 24 Ct gold platd and the shield and robes etc. in full colour.

This is prices at £19.95 with a £10.00 of voucher, tortal £9.95.

Will this appreciate in time do you think?

I'm very new to copin collecting and it's lucky for me I found about this forum which may answer some questions.

Any help/advice will be welcome.


It is unlikely to appreciate in time as it is simply a sales gimmick. The world is awash with pre-decimal pennies, any or all of which could be similarly gold plated as required based on demand. Alternatively you could get a 1967 penny costing a few pence, some gold, and coat it yourself. The knowledge acquired and the satisfaction derived by making it yourself is likely to outweigh the pleasure from purchasing what amounts to a trinket.

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It won't appreciate to it's price of £9.95 in a million years!

Steer clear of pretend coin dealers like the so-called London Mint.

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Guest dodusk

Thanks chaps. I'm glad you told me. I had a worry about them recently as I think they were doing "Inertia selling" as they sent me a product all dolled up and with a certificate then billed me for about £40 or so. I rang and complained saying I hadn't asked for the stuff and was given an address to return FOC and a snooty statement that they'd never had any complaints before.

I reported the matter to our local Trading Standards as I'm sure inertia selling is not legal and they were interested but unfortunately I sent all the papers back with the coins.

Whatever, I shall know better next time. Mind you, I'm not displeased with the ones I chose in the past but I'm not really serious about collecting. I started off in th 60 s with a Winston Churchill Crown, a bit battered, and since then have amassed about 30 or so crowns or £5 pieces plus other lower denonminations, from the Royal Mint as they've come out but I'm not in the market for those £250 silver or even those, more expensive over £1,00.

I'm glad I found the forum and will visit to learn more as time goes on. I'm 80 now so most of the coins I used to know have disappeared. I do have some farthings and a threepenny bit, 13 sided plus a whole pile of 2/- bits from pre-whatever - whenever they ceased to be legal tender - my sister in Canada gave them to me when she was over here one time. Stuff they had taken back from visiting the UK over the years.

Again, thanks for the help.

One final thing, I mistyped my user name as dodusk when registering, , meant to be docusk. Anyone know how I change it?


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Had you been a serious collector you would have steered clear of London Coins (and their hard sell tactics) long ago! But having just a passing interest is fine too. When the items are less than £5 you can't really go wrong can you.

I'll see if I can change your user name later. I'm not sure if I can, or if I'll have to delete it and create a new one with the right name.

I thought Geordie was our oldest member, but at 80 I think that must be you now!

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I thought Geordie was our oldest member, but at 80 I think that must be you now!

That makes me :D:):lol:

Edited by Geordie582

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Oh there he is, it's young Geordie!

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