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Guest JoBo

1719 coin

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Guest JoBo

Hi All,

I do not know any thing about coins but I did fined a coin with a date of 1719 and think it could be an interesting one.

Dos any one knows anything about this coin. It has 3 crowns on one side and on the other side coat of arms with a crown on top and two arrows.

Please see the attached file and let me know.

Thanks JoBo



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  JoBo said:
Hi All,

I do not know any thing about coins but I did fined a coin with a date of 1719 and think it could be an interesting one.

Dos any one knows anything about this coin. It has 3 crowns on one side and on the other side coat of arms with a crown on top and two arrows.

Please see the attached file and let me know.

Thanks JoBo

It is a Swedish 1 ore coin in copper. There are several types depending on the edge which can be either plain (ie. flat), with lozenges or milled. In this grade due to the corrosion none are worth very much. The Krause references are 239.1, 239.2 or 239.3 respectively.

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