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Geoff T

Another one to watch for

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It's not just the new 20p which is causing a stir. Keep a lookout for the new 1p with a reverse die axis. I saw one yesterday.

Someone cheekily suggested that the Mint is doing this on purpose to get people to take an interest in the new designs.


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That thought had crossed my mind too Geoff!

I was in the UK over Xmas and didn't see any new type 20p, 1p or 50p's.

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That thought had crossed my mind too Geoff!

I was in the UK over Xmas and didn't see any new type 20p, 1p or 50p's.

I'm surprised you didn't see any pennies. They've been around a while and are pretty common. The 20p is more elusive and I've not seen the 50p myself yet. The £1 is out now too and I've had a few in change. The 2p and 10p are quite handsome when you seem them in the flesh.


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That thought had crossed my mind too Geoff!

I was in the UK over Xmas and didn't see any new type 20p, 1p or 50p's.

I'm surprised you didn't see any pennies. They've been around a while and are pretty common. The 20p is more elusive and I've not seen the 50p myself yet. The £1 is out now too and I've had a few in change. The 2p and 10p are quite handsome when you seem them in the flesh.


I've not seen the 50p either, but I've seen the rest. Thanks for the update on the 1p Geoff.

You could be right about the RM, at least it's getting people to check their change and maybe some youngsters interested in coins. My nephew is on the hunt for one of the mule 20p's since I told him about them.

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I haven't seen the 50p either, but all the others (except the £1) I have also seen in the old design and dated 2008.

Since they made both types in the year and all the obverses are different we should check them all just in case!

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I'm keeping an eye out for these mules but have not come across any yet. Has given me the chance to obtain at least one of each coin though, quite a few pennies, twopences and twenty pence pieces around here.

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Are the Britannia 50p and old style £1 being released? I've had all the other 2008s (new and old) for several weeks now, but not seen any since of our lovely Britannia!

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Are the Britannia 50p and old style £1 being released? I've had all the other 2008s (new and old) for several weeks now, but not seen any since of our lovely Britannia!

I'm pretty sure they're not. I've not seen any and it's too late now for them to appear. The pre-Dent 2008 pennies came out fairly early as there's always a need for pennies.


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Are the Britannia 50p and old style £1 being released? I've had all the other 2008s (new and old) for several weeks now, but not seen any since of our lovely Britannia!

I'm pretty sure they're not. I've not seen any and it's too late now for them to appear. The pre-Dent 2008 pennies came out fairly early as there's always a need for pennies.


That said, I have now found an old style 2008 £1... Just the Britannia 50p to go!


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havn't seen the new 50p yet, got a fair few pennies so i'll be looking out for the reverse dye thing (if i know what it looks like).

was curious as to how many of the old style 2008 coins there are, compared to new?

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no edit button,

just had a look at one of my pennys, this one seems to have both sides have a kind of scratchy or flat marking almost around the rims, hard to describe and no camera handy, but there is a possible indent going around the text areas making it a weaker press (can see an odd shine where it says one penny, right around the bottom of the lettering indicating some sort of indenting, its also scratched along there and not anywhere else.

could be wear but its just odd place for it, the text on the other side is also more faint with some even worn away (top of the 2 on 2008 half the E on elizabeth (seems almost silvery in some spots, if i shine it in light)

also another with some bubbles on the neck of the queen

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