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1876 penny, thoughts

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i own this penny, trying to work out whether the H is missing from it, i have another 1876 H in a similar condition


the H is obvious on this one but no sign on the other

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there is also a blob below the 6

i have a few angles of interest which should show blobs and lack of any raised areas where said blobs are

the bottom date is the one that interests me, because it shows.. there is nothing there at that zoom its a tiny bit blurred, but does show just geneal radom shading differances on the date area (there is a scratch under the 7)


Edited by scott

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i own this penny, trying to work out whether the H is missing from it, i have another 1876 H in a similar condition


the H is obvious on this one but no sign on the other

I THINK I can see it. It's very faint but I think it's there. Let's face it, the date is high in the exergue, at just the right height it should be if there was an H there.

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just had a look again at the first picture on phtoscape, its an odd one to call from the small picture it looks like there is one, yet zoom in on the area, its just colouration on the coin :/

and of course the 1876 with no H should look like the H coin (with the date where it is) but without a H, i'm not saying the H is missing, definatly not a full H visible though, i'm not 100% sure myself yet, but keep getting conflicting images when i check the images from differant zooms, just curious as to thinking if its perhaps a link to the missing H.

on the picture linked it does show something underneath the 7 but it doesn't match up to the other coin's H (nothing near the 8)

it does need explaining though, it just doesnt seem right, the H should be like the date and be visible

Edited by scott

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the H should be like the date and be visible

If you look again at those two pennies, the wear patterns are a bit illogical - on the second, the date is more worn, but the H is just still visible. You'd expect with the extra wear that the H would be completely gone too. On the first penny, everything is gone nearly, except for the date numerals, which have lasted much better.

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alright, makes sence, but the reason i ask, having a similar situation with another


is it me or is there an H there? again it seems to vanish when i look from differant angles

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alright, makes sence, but the reason i ask, having a similar situation with another

is it me or is there an H there? again it seems to vanish when i look from differant angles

It looks distinctly possible.

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