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Charles I shilling - original or not?

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  On 6/7/2010 at 5:42 PM, Voynov_BG said:

Hi, friends,

today receive bulk lot coins from UK:



As you see, there is one shilling coin (I think), the coin is 31-32 mm approx., and 5.7 grams approx.

Tested - high grade silver.

What do you think - original Charles I shilling, or Not original coin?





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Looks good to me. There aren't a great number of forgeries of Charles I anchor shilling about and those that are will most likely be contemporary and so collectable.

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  On 6/7/2010 at 7:01 PM, Rob said:

Looks good to me. There aren't a great number of forgeries of Charles I anchor shilling about and those that are will most likely be contemporary and so collectable.


What do you think about approx. value in similar grade, because I have no catalog for medieval coins?

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Looks genuine to me too. I'd only really grade it Fine. Price-wise I'd expect it could fetch £30. That particular type seems quite difficult to find with a nicely struck up portrait and so yours is fairly typical. Adding to the fact that the toning appears quite pleasing from the original listing (and assuming it really does have that steel blue colour) you might find you'd get more. But probably £50 would be the ceiling.

In case it helps the Spink reference is S 2797, and for specialist collectors of Charles I shillings, it's Sharp F5/1. The anchor mint mark dates it to between May 1638 and July 1639.

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:D A nice coin....well rounded...i've got some real craggy CH1 shillings...thats the way they were with clipping et all

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Fully agree with all the above replies. The coin looks totally genuine to me.

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