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Master Jmd

1981 half crown!

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Colin cooke has a 1981 half crown in BU condition, it is not listed in spink...is it real?


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I spotted that the other day. I think he must have listed a 1981 Charles and Di Crown in the wrong section!

That kind of thing wouldn't go on, on predecimal.com ;):blink:

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Colin cooke has a 1981 half crown in BU condition, it is not listed in spink...is it real?


It's in his printed catalogue as well. I meant to ask him about it.

In the immortal words of Lady Bracknell, I have known errors in that publication. For ages he had Queen Victoria down as 1937-1901 and I've reminded him that Edward VII's wife wasn't called Alexander :D

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i googled and found this...could this be the one that he has?

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I doubt it Jmd. It's a mistake to put a coin under the wrong denomination, but I doubt he's put a coin from the wrong country in the right denomination.

Why don't you buy it, and claim a refund when a Crown turns up!

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I doubt it Jmd. It's a mistake to put a coin under the wrong denomination, but I doubt he's put a coin from the wrong country in the right denomination.

Why don't you buy it, and claim a refund when a Crown turns up!

may be a good idea, but i do not really fancy a £1.50 refund :)

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Colin cooke has a 1981 half crown in BU condition, it is not listed in spink...is it real?


It's in his printed catalogue as well. I meant to ask him about it.

In the immortal words of Lady Bracknell, I have known errors in that publication. For ages he had Queen Victoria down as 1937-1901 and I've reminded him that Edward VII's wife wasn't called Alexander :D

He is very careless sometimes considering he has a smaller army of I.T experts on his team! :P

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i have now posted his mistake on his forum, it would be strange to see if he has got a real 1981 half crown; but that is a bit of a crazy thought, it probably is a crown :)

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This is what the reply was on colins forum:

Ali Shaded

1981 Halfcrown

Thu Jun 3, 2004 9:27am

Hi, Master Jmd,

Firstly, i'd like to thank you very much for pointing out the error on the Halfcrowns page. There is a 1981 listed at the top of the page although of course it shouldn't be there because it doesn't exist.

We recently started using a database system that allows us to automatically generate the web pages and our printed lists in a matter of seconds where once it took hours. Although we tested it thoroughly before we started using it, we're still getting used to using it and this error on the halfcrowns page is down to good old fashioned human error. The coin was classified as a Halfcrown instead of a Crown, as you rightly guessed. The coin will be re-classified and the page will be re-generated and uploaded by the end of the day. We really do appreciate all our website visitors comments, especially at this stage of the website's development.

Many Thanks,


so you were correct at guessing it was a crown chris :)

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