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Guest Lambert

White chalk / plaster coin mystery?

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Guest Lambert

Hello All,

My knowledge of numismatics is somewhat lacking and was wondering whether someone could shed some light on some items that my granddad has left in the family. The items im referring to are a series of white coins that appear to be made of chalk or plaster. There is a number of them, one dating to the 16th century and another with Æthelstan written around it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as we are very puzzled!

Thankyou :D

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  On 11/4/2010 at 4:56 PM, Lambert said:

Hello All,

My knowledge of numismatics is somewhat lacking and was wondering whether someone could shed some light on some items that my granddad has left in the family. The items im referring to are a series of white coins that appear to be made of chalk or plaster. There is a number of them, one dating to the 16th century and another with Æthelstan written around it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as we are very puzzled!

Thankyou :D

Could be porcelain, but as we always say here, a picture paints a thousand words. You got any lol?

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Without seeing them they sound like Victorian Parian ware medallic issues. What are the diameters?

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Also, some plaster models from molds taken from real coins were done in Victorian times and more recent...

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