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Opinions needed on two Sovereigns please

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Hi,New guy here.I collect Sovereigns and just bought these two 1918S Sovereigns as a lot. I can give more details after I get a few opinions. Dave

post-4903-051832100 1290292138_thumb.jpg

post-4903-058086500 1290292152_thumb.jpg

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Welcome... I'm fairly new here too but do collect sovereigns. It's very hard to tell from the relatively low resolution pics but to me something does look strange about the right hand one. Have you weighed and measured them? Not sure I would lay them on a slightly abrasive background either.

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Hi,New guy here.I collect Sovereigns and just bought these two 1918S Sovereigns as a lot. I can give more details after I get a few opinions. Dave

I need better photos.Both coins have good eye appeal and are

clean and bright.Both fields are very clean,edges and rims

unmarked.St George and the Dragon are worn down to around an F

grade,King George also worn.Weight and size are perfect.Ring

testing by dropping coins produces a poor ring,not good or bad.If

I only had one coin I would be happy with it but as there are two

I compared the two together.Ten small marks,dings that I found on

one side were also on the second coin.The coins seem to be clones

of each other.Could dies be so marked or damaged that they

transfer defects the coins. The seller of the two coins has two

more same date 1918S.Dave

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Hi,New guy here.I collect Sovereigns and just bought these two 1918S Sovereigns as a lot. I can give more details after I get a few opinions. Dave

I need better photos.Both coins have good eye appeal and are

clean and bright.Both fields are very clean,edges and rims

unmarked.St George and the Dragon are worn down to around an F

grade,King George also worn.Weight and size are perfect.Ring

testing by dropping coins produces a poor ring,not good or bad.If

I only had one coin I would be happy with it but as there are two

I compared the two together.Ten small marks,dings that I found on

one side were also on the second coin.The coins seem to be clones

of each other.Could dies be so marked or damaged that they

transfer defects the coins. The seller of the two coins has two

more same date 1918S.Dave

Hello Dave,

The pictures are not the best, but from what you have said I would be inclined to say that they are both forgeries.

Identical indentations on two coins is worrying, especially on sovereigns. Die damage produces raised areas not indentations and die damage on 20th century gold coins dies is rare anyway.

4 coins same mint, same seller, same damage........

A client of mine recently had the offer of 10 GV sovereigns from a friend, all the same date and all acquired in Egypt 20 years or so ago. He took one to a jeweller for the acid test and it came back as 9ct gold.


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Are you suggesting that the two coins are too exactly similar in their wear points ? If so, we would need bigger and better pictures.

As you collect sovs, I'm sure you already know of the existence of these: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Sovereign-Scales-Balance-Box-/330496694458?pt=UK_Collectable_ToolsHasdware_RL&hash=item4cf32358ba Very simple (like all good ideas) if it doesn't balance the scales correctly or fit through the slot, then it isn't a sov.

Good enough for the Victorians, good enough for me.

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as i am only a kid it is a dream to own a sovereign (my most valueable coin is about poor / fair in grade) i can really ownly say hi

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as i am only a kid it is a dream to own a sovereign (my most valueable coin is about poor / fair in grade) i can really ownly say hi

Don't worry. Not everyone collects gold, I don't have any.

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as i am only a kid it is a dream to own a sovereign (my most valueable coin is about poor / fair in grade) i can really ownly say hi

Don't worry. Not everyone collects gold, I don't have any.

No gold coins in my collection either.

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No gold coins in my collection either.

Nor me - we did have two half sovereigns but sold them 18 months ago to put a floor in our bus. We didn't think it could go over $850/oz.... :angry:

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as i am only a kid it is a dream to own a sovereign (my most valueable coin is about poor / fair in grade) i can really ownly say hi

Don't worry. Not everyone collects gold, I don't have any.

Nor me, I also have very few silver coins, Copper, bronze, brass etc in abundance



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I have a few gold pieces, but find gold difficult to get very excited about. Old hammered gold excepted, the colour is simply too uniform.

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I have an example of most gold coins...but haven't bought any over the last few years my sovs cost £60 each and the half sovs £40 my spade £110 and half spade £50...not a bad investment. :ph34r:

However Mr Cooke was selling Cnut coins for £60 each and I didn't fill my boots....also looking back on some coin mags the 1960 crown was tipped to be the best investment...not.

My tip for a good investment would be a 1835 2/6 a 1894 1/2d 1734 1/4d and 1679 1/4d...all these rarely turn up on Ebay.Please don't bid against me :ph34r:

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This was the one thing I really checked for on the 1825 farthings, if I would have had a bulk lot with identical flaws etc, I would have been worried, but they are very individual. That is not to say that the coins might not be genuine. like others have said get some higher resolution pics uploaded.

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also looking back on some coin mags the 1960 crown was tipped to be the best investment...not.

Like the 1951 penny? :lol:

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Hi Dave, welcome in and, NO we won't buy any dodgy sovs from ya.. :P

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