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Help..unknown coin

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Could anyone help my scout group identify a coin they came across whilst bag packing one day .

it is a small silver coin(about the size of a 1p) on one side it has a circle within a cross forming 4 quadrants . In each quad there are 3 balls? with the letters I A I D(or P) on the inner circumference. the face is badly worn but it looks like a crown with the letters B +E D V written in an archaic script.

Any info would be much appreciated


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From the description of the cross with pellets it sounds like some kind of hammered coin, but I don't know hammered coins that well so am stuck with the info so far.

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the obverse (side with the king on) will read something like

E D W A R D R A N G D N S H Y B +

(or E D W A R R A N G D N S H Y B +)

Or quite possibly E D W A R E X A N G D N S H Y B + [Or things along the same line)

The reverse with the cross and pellets...

Should read either C I V I T A S (followed by a mint)

or V I L L A followed by a mint (i think it's Villa)

The three major mints are...

Canterbury = C A N T O R

London = L U N D O N (Or L U N D)

York = E B O R A C I (Or E V E R I C )

Many many other mints exist, most quite common if it's an Edward I.

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Thanks guys looks like its an extremely common edward 1 penny.......just when we thought we had made our fortune !!!!!!!!!!!!

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