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Guest bazil123

help with value of coins

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Guest bazil123

Hi i wonder if any one can help.

I havent a clue about coins, but have acquired some and wondered if they are worth anything.

I have lots of sixpences ranging in date from 1951 to 1965

two shillings 1956 and 1960

half crowns ranging from 1865 to 1967

one shilling 1948

threepence 1916 to 1934

any help much appreciated


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  On 5/2/2011 at 1:29 PM, bazil123 said:

Hi i wonder if any one can help.

I havent a clue about coins, but have acquired some and wondered if they are worth anything.

I have lots of sixpences ranging in date from 1951 to 1965

two shillings 1956 and 1960

half crowns ranging from 1865 to 1967

one shilling 1948

threepence 1916 to 1934

any help much appreciated


Everything depends on condition in this game. But your late dates aren't worth a great deal even in mint condition. The earlier sixpences might be worth a few pounds but ONLY if in strict mint condition. 1952s are scarce and worth a few quid in average condition.

Scarce dates for silver 3ds are 1925, 26, 28, 30, but again, you'd need them in pretty near top condition.

The halfcrowns look the most interesting - there weren't any minted in 1865 so that one would be VERY rare! Any dated before 1920 are full silver and worth their metal value in whatever condition. From 1920 to 1946 they're 50% silver and worth half silver value.

But we would need to see pictures of them as without seeing the condition it's impossible to say what they're worth.

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