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Medieval Pennies

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I have a couple of coins I'd like to liquidate, so please buy if you like these coins.

Aethelread II Penny.



Asking 300 GBP for it. Can take PayPal, cheques, bank transfer (best) etc....

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Elizabeth I Silver Shilling with the rare mm. '2' signifying the year 1602. This coin is a tad grubby however it is of a scarce type.

Weight = 5.67 grammes.

Diameter = 29.5/30 mm.

Asking 35 GBP / 55 USD



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  On 6/11/2011 at 5:14 AM, Pieces_of_History said:

Sorry the second on (which I cannot edit) is actually Cnut! I knew it was...I have lost all information on this coin, unfortunately.

Both Saxons are Cnut. The first one is York, and the second Dover.

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Guest FrankC

ya nice work ..........good collection as well as style and design......

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