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Emperor Oli

Aargh stupid woman!

Should the woman have received her money? (see below)  

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I've just remembered this which I meant to post when it was hot off the presses, so to speak.

An asian woman Judge told a security guard at some courts that she was "friends with Bin Laden". Besides this being incredibly stupid, it was obviously also a security risk. She was supended on full pay. However, the woman has launched legal action, and won, because she said that "it [being suspended] wouldn't happen to a white man". The sum was around £400,000 I think.

This is complete and utter rubbish. Of course anyone who had links, real or suspected, to a terrorist who is probably the most wanted man in the world would be suspended as they are a security risk, simple as that. It has absolutely no bearing on the case whether the person is black, white, yellow, brown, purple or green - they still pose a threat!

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thats sounds about right for this country !! i was talking to my best mate, i have grown up with him since i was tiny and i just happend to use the phrase i always use when greating him which was wasup nigga when this lady came flying over from the other side of the street aand called me racist !!!! no matter what i said and what my friend said it made no difference i was still called a racist!! i mean 1 she should have been minding her own business and to if it is no offence to the person you are talking to then why do others have to jump in ! im cant belive the extrems that people go to these days !! <_< which doesnt surprise me one bit that the lady in question manage to sue win and walk away scot free :)

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...i hadn't heard of this until now, but it is absolute Bull$#!T!!!

not to be racist, but i hate the way that this country is run...my gran was telling me of how my aunt was thrown out of a Little shef on the M4 because the asian man at the counter said "We dont serve white people"...if asians are allowed to do that, why cant we?...example: a white man could be arrested for disalowing an asian man into his shop, whereas an asian man would (knowing this country) probably get payed for doing that to a white man...

Absolute rediculous...

Edited by Master Jmd

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...i hadn't heard of this until now, but it is absolute Bull$#!T!!!

not to be racist, but i hate the way that this country is run...my gran was telling me of how my aunt was thrown out of a Little shef on the M4 because the asian man at the counter said "We dont serve white people"...if asians are allowed to do that, why cant we?...example: a white man could be arrested for disalowing an asian man into his shop, whereas an asian man would (knowing this country) probably get payed for doing that to a white man...

Absolute rediculous...

Frankly, this is the sort of one-sided propaganda which the right-wing tabloids love to spread around - pure Daily Mail-speak. It's on a par with all the Europhobic trash which tries to tell people that the EU is all about not being allowed straight bananas. Scratch the surface and you find it's mostly tenth-hand "my mother knows a woman whose husband's friend's brother..." stuff.

Throwing somebody out of a public place for being white - assuming it actually happened - is as bad as throwing somebody out for being (insert colour of choice). But how often do such stories get reported selectively? Before we react in the way the Daily Mail types would have us react we need to ask what the circumstances are in cases like this. There is a world of difference between an innocent person being "thrown" out of an institution for no good reason and a person being racially abusive to non-white staff being politely asked to desist or leave.

Anti-discriminatory law is designed to apply fairly across the board. The fault lies, not in the legislation, but in the way it's applied. There appears to be a growing fear of intervening in or criticising unacceptable behaviour by any members of a minority for fear of being labelled racist/sexist/homophobic etc. Where this is involves public bodies like the police or social services not wanting to intervene on "cultural" grounds there is a real danger that crime goes uninvestigated until it's too late - witness the case of Victoria Climbie or the frightening increase in honour killings among Asian communities which was publicised only this week.

Legislation plus cultural difference produces an ethical minefield in which we all have to tread carefully. Running in full tilt with our eyes shut helps nobody.

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but what is there to do?...we cannot speak out otherwise we may be classed as racist/sexist/homophobic etc...what are we allowed to do that will not get us into these prediciments...Nothing!

Frankly, this is the sort of one-sided propaganda which the right-wing tabloids love to spread around - pure Daily Mail-speak. It's on a par with all the Europhobic trash which tries to tell people that the EU is all about not being allowed straight bananas. Scratch the surface and you find it's mostly tenth-hand "my mother knows a woman whose husband's friend's brother..." stuff.

after not reading the daily mail nor my gran reads it, i find it quite interesting in the sence that the daily mail is trying to do something?...but still, what grounds do we have to speak out?...

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Nonononononononono! :)

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but what is there to do?...we cannot speak out otherwise we may be classed as racist/sexist/homophobic etc...what are we allowed to do that will not get us into these prediciments...Nothing!

That depends on how strongly we feel a sense of injustice, and the English are very good at moaning but not very forthright in complaining. Somebody has to speak out, even if it means that they go against the grain and make themselves unpopular. Imagine if nobody had stood up and condemned slavery or campaigned for women to have the vote.

We may not always approve of the actions people take to draw attention to discrimination in society (Fathers for Justice is a good contemporary example) but that doesn't stop us approving of the ends if not the means. As the women at Greenham Common said - we have to take credit for getting the cruise missiles out of here because nobody is ever going to give it us.

In the present climate some people might think it un-PC to condemn either a minority where it clearly acts in an unacceptable way, or the concept of what the Americans call "affirmative action" and we call positive discrimination, but which is still discrimination however you look at it. But, in the immortal words of I can't at this moment remember who - in order for evil to flourish it is only necessary for good men to do nothing.

The best thing we can all to is to try and lead lives in which we respect individuals for what they are. Ultimately, behind these articial social constructs we call the black/Asian/gay/disabled etc. communities there are individual people who are unique, whoever they are. Isn't that amazing!

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