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Chard sell that sort of thing: Chard

However, I feel obliged to remind you .. these aren't coins, they are just a way of investing in bullion. As such they are priced over their intrinsic value and with current prices high, I'd be surprised if ever you sold you'd get back your money, let alone make a profit. You might as well buy those limited edition plates (only 20 million ever made), dolls or those Nike Jordan sneakers people don't wear.

Personally I'd prefer to put my money into a real coin with some history to it, but ..

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Thank you Tom, I agree on the real coin front, but sometimes pretty pictures can brighten up a collection. I like the reverse of the new 2012 britannia £2 coin, can't say much for Her Maj who now seems to be looking like something from planet of the apes in her effigy !.

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Chard sell that sort of thing: Chard

You know the diamonds look quite interesting.... I'm sure Mrs Gollum wouldn't object! :)

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Chard sell that sort of thing: Chard

You know the diamonds look quite interesting.... I'm sure Mrs Gollum wouldn't object! :)

No, she probably wouldn't but I would, she breaks or loses anything I get her !. Which reminds me Debbie, she broke her brand new solid gold wristwatch last year within a week and I still have not had it repaired.

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brand new solid gold wristwatch .

???!! If you can afford one of those, it sounds like you should stop buying scrap copper to clean and start taking an interest in this sort of thing instead!



Half crown

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brand new solid gold wristwatch .

???!! If you can afford one of those, it sounds like you should stop buying scrap copper to clean and start taking an interest in this sort of thing instead!



Half crown

That was a one of for her birthday shortly after we met and married, mainly because some Billy BS she went out with promised her one and over the years it never materialised, so I made sure it did. I moan about her but she's looked after me for 12 years now, and believe me, that takes a lot.

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That was a one of for her birthday shortly after we met and married, mainly because some Billy BS she went out with promised her one and over the years it never materialised, so I made sure it did. I moan about her but she's looked after me for 12 years now, and believe me, that takes a lot.

Ah, OK. Though my recommendations still stand! :P

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