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So there I was, hungry and bored, nothing on the forum, so I went downstairs and rummaged about in the cupboards, i spotted a tin of sardines in a tin and thought "hmm lets give them a try" I prefer Pilchards ( same thing really ) in tomatoe sauce, but hey beggars can't be choosers and I have coins to buy, so it's student food for a month. As I stood there looking at them the cats came in and they knew what this tin meant, little sods.

I started to open the tin very slowly so as not to spill the contents and the cats getting them ( I am very mean to my cats, I am the only one here who loves them )when all of a sudden the ruddy contents flew across the floor and the cats leapt at them and they where gone( this is all true by the way ). I was most aggrieved, I had lost my supper and the cats had gained. So, its too bed later hungry, I have no more left. Of course it wasn't my fault, and it wasn't the cats, but I do know what was to blame. I bet you can't all guess. Go on, it's dead easy to work it out.

Edited by Gollum

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They had been placed in "Spring water", silly idea really. Spring loaded tins are not fun.

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