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The other love of my life

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That poor rolleicord is still waiting for me to put some new leatherette on it !. The leather has been in my drawer waiting for at least a year now

Edited by Gollum

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  On 1/21/2012 at 6:53 PM, Gollum said:


That poor rolleicord is still waiting for me to put some new leatherette on it !. The leather has been in my drawer waiting for at least a year now

next to you're whips and spanish fly cream? :rolleyes:

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  On 1/21/2012 at 7:03 PM, Peter said:
  On 1/21/2012 at 6:53 PM, Gollum said:

That poor rolleicord is still waiting for me to put some new leatherette on it !. The leather has been in my drawer waiting for at least a year now

next to you're whips and spanish fly cream? :rolleyes:

You been peeking in the wifes wardrobe !.

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Ah, the good old Rolleiflex - staple camera of wedding and portrait studio photographers for many decades :) Somewhere I still have a Lubitel, the Russian imitation. Very plastic, very cheap, very inferior, but great fun.

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  On 1/21/2012 at 11:08 PM, Peckris said:

Ah, the good old Rolleiflex - staple camera of wedding and portrait studio photographers for many decades :) Somewhere I still have a Lubitel, the Russian imitation. Very plastic, very cheap, very inferior, but great fun.

Erm that is a rolleicord V Peck, mind you I also have a number of Russki copies of the hass and other brands here as well. Oh and a number of them new fangled Yashica Mat's and canons and erm, yeah, enough !. :lol:

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  On 1/21/2012 at 11:12 PM, Gollum said:
  On 1/21/2012 at 11:08 PM, Peckris said:

Ah, the good old Rolleiflex - staple camera of wedding and portrait studio photographers for many decades :) Somewhere I still have a Lubitel, the Russian imitation. Very plastic, very cheap, very inferior, but great fun.

Erm that is a rolleicord V Peck, mind you I also have a number of Russki copies of the hass and other brands here as well. Oh and a number of them new fangled Yashica Mat's and canons and erm, yeah, enough !. :lol:

What was the difference between the 'Flex and the 'Cord anyway? I never used any TLR except the aforementioned Lubitel, so I'm not an expert. What I do remember - and lusted after at the time - was the very nice little 35mm compact that Rollei brought out in the early 80s.

My first 35mm camera was the Zorki 4 - a very competent imitation of the pre-war Leica III. No lever wind, no meter, and a shutter speed dial from hell, but a great rangefinder and some very good lenses. I still have it, and its standard 50mm lens (the 135mm and 35mm lenses must have got sold off years ago).

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  On 1/22/2012 at 12:55 PM, Peckris said:
  On 1/21/2012 at 11:12 PM, Gollum said:
  On 1/21/2012 at 11:08 PM, Peckris said:

Ah, the good old Rolleiflex - staple camera of wedding and portrait studio photographers for many decades :) Somewhere I still have a Lubitel, the Russian imitation. Very plastic, very cheap, very inferior, but great fun.

Erm that is a rolleicord V Peck, mind you I also have a number of Russki copies of the hass and other brands here as well. Oh and a number of them new fangled Yashica Mat's and canons and erm, yeah, enough !. :lol:

What was the difference between the 'Flex and the 'Cord anyway? I never used any TLR except the aforementioned Lubitel, so I'm not an expert. What I do remember - and lusted after at the time - was the very nice little 35mm compact that Rollei brought out in the early 80s.

My first 35mm camera was the Zorki 4 - a very competent imitation of the pre-war Leica III. No lever wind, no meter, and a shutter speed dial from hell, but a great rangefinder and some very good lenses. I still have it, and its standard 50mm lens (the 135mm and 35mm lenses must have got sold off years ago).

The flex had better lenses, bodies, auto cocking and wind of the film ( cords had a knob to wind te film so was not as fast as a flex when shooting), the cords also had no metering on them and the view screen was not as good or clear. Other than that just personal preferences I guess, I like the cords as they are cheaper to buy, but if I was to buy a rollei and mmoney was not a thing I would have a flex, I have a small 35mm Rollei round here somewhere, and one of those russian spy cameras as well, though how a spy hid that thing I don't know, they aren't exactly small.

I have to go in the loft this week to sort it all out for selling so will take some pics before I do.

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  On 1/22/2012 at 1:02 PM, Gollum said:
  On 1/22/2012 at 12:55 PM, Peckris said:
  On 1/21/2012 at 11:12 PM, Gollum said:
  On 1/21/2012 at 11:08 PM, Peckris said:

Ah, the good old Rolleiflex - staple camera of wedding and portrait studio photographers for many decades :) Somewhere I still have a Lubitel, the Russian imitation. Very plastic, very cheap, very inferior, but great fun.

Erm that is a rolleicord V Peck, mind you I also have a number of Russki copies of the hass and other brands here as well. Oh and a number of them new fangled Yashica Mat's and canons and erm, yeah, enough !. :lol:

What was the difference between the 'Flex and the 'Cord anyway? I never used any TLR except the aforementioned Lubitel, so I'm not an expert. What I do remember - and lusted after at the time - was the very nice little 35mm compact that Rollei brought out in the early 80s.

My first 35mm camera was the Zorki 4 - a very competent imitation of the pre-war Leica III. No lever wind, no meter, and a shutter speed dial from hell, but a great rangefinder and some very good lenses. I still have it, and its standard 50mm lens (the 135mm and 35mm lenses must have got sold off years ago).

The flex had better lenses, bodies, auto cocking and wind of the film ( cords had a knob to wind te film so was not as fast as a flex when shooting), the cords also had no metering on them and the view screen was not as good or clear. Other than that just personal preferences I guess, I like the cords as they are cheaper to buy, but if I was to buy a rollei and mmoney was not a thing I would have a flex, I have a small 35mm Rollei round here somewhere, and one of those russian spy cameras as well, though how a spy hid that thing I don't know, they aren't exactly small.

I have to go in the loft this week to sort it all out for selling so will take some pics before I do.

Unlike the Minox huh? I did once consider buying into the Pentax or Minolta SLR 110 system, which I reckon would have smuggled into rock concerts easily enough, hidden down one's undies! Never got around to it though.

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Whoo hoo TLRs are cool. Haven't used my Yashica Mat 124g in a while having gone digital but some of my best pics have come out of that one.

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