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Hello newbie here.

I have recently been sorting my loft out and come across 2 tins full of old pennies, can anyone tell me what I should do with them ?

All advice welcome :)

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How old are we talking? I presume you're not talking about medieval pennies but Victorian/Georgian/Edwardian.

Edited by HistoricCoinage

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dip in, write a few dates down, a few pics would help. Condition is the factor that will determine the value.

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Don't clean them or do anything else. Take the best condition and maybe oldest and post photos of them here. That will give us an idea about how old and what condition.

After that maybe people can list a few dates to look out for. However if they are just in a tin, don't expect any exciting rarities I'm afraid. Most coins, even very, very old ones have been bashed around so much through wear they really aren't worth much more than .. well, pennies, really.

They might make an interesting study, if you are into that sort of thing. But if you just want the value, probably people can offer better advice once we know what sort of coins you have.

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