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Making Fakes More Searchable on the Forum

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It has been talked about over and over how great it would be to have all the Counterfeit/fake/forgery information easily searchable on this forum.

Whilst we've subtly angled at a separate section on here, purely for fakes, it could still potentially be a location where information regarding specific fakes may get lost quite easily.

Could I humbly propose that if anybody has a specific coin that they want to discuss or share as a fake, etc. that the coins specific type, year, etc. be followed by the words 'Counterfeit, Fake, Forgery,' just to make it easily searchable on the forum database? This would probably be more useful than a specific catagory.

Equally, would anybody object if I (or anyone else that can be bothered, as they are passing over old stuff) just revive (copy and paste) any specific types under new more searchable headings? If a thread about fakes ultimately moves from 1765 to fakes of the same denomination, but 1766, it would be much more useful if both were separated out at some point, just so that when someone is looking to buy a 1766 shilling, they could pull up any future (or past) head's up on what's wrong out there!

If you think this is feasible, and it actually gets going, it may be worth searching for say an 1819 halfcrown first (for example), just to make sure someone hasn't already started that repository off.

Any thoughts? It's such a waste to swamp all these valuable fake threads under meaningless headings! :)

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Nice idea Coinery. This could become a very valuable resource for everyone :)

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yes great idea, and can we get one for varieties.

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yes great idea, and can we get one for varieties.

would work on the same principle I guess! Everyone just adds the word 'variety' along with the other information...'1864 penny variety' at its most basic! ;)

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It has been talked about over and over how great it would be to have all the Counterfeit/fake/forgery information easily searchable on this forum.

Whilst we've subtly angled at a separate section on here, purely for fakes, it could still potentially be a location where information regarding specific fakes may get lost quite easily.

I agree with the idea for a separate sub-forum for fakes. I rarely use Search (such a hit and miss affair) but a separate category would put them all in one place, which as you say would be a boon. Pictures and identifying features would be a must, needless to say.

yes great idea, and can we get one for varieties.

We already have one scott! It's the sub-sub-forum in this sub-forum... :D

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but they usualy get discussed in other threads so you can never find the info ;)

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but they usualy get discussed in other threads so you can never find the info ;)

That's true, but blame the people who don't post in the varieties forum! Or use Search instead... In any case, having somewhere for ALL varieties would be almost like having a forum for all coins :D

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