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Every Man Can Relate To This

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Watch all the way through, tears of laughter were Rolling down my face by the end of this


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It says the video's been removed by the user, Dave. :(

But I thought I'd post this:


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It says the video's been removed by the user, Dave. :(

But I thought I'd post this:


:lol: excellent!

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It seems the Video was removed by the user on Youtube

Edited by azda

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All very good :lol:

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Excellent! :D

I thought I had a multi-page email telling the story of "What do you say when your wife says, one Saturday afternoon..." - unfortunately despite it being hilarious, I don't have it; it must have been a paper print out from the late 90s before I got connected to email and the internet. (Was there ever such a time? Seems hard to imagine now).

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I think most Men can also relate to this


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Another one I read today:

I was looking in a music shop and saw a set of bagpipes,
"Look dear", I said to my wife, "they remind me of you."
"Why?" She replied, "is it because I'm Scottish?"
"No, " I said, "it's because they're mis-shapen, full of wind and sound f***ing horrible".
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Good one HC :lol:

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I feel the need to re-address the balance somewhat....... :rolleyes:

What's the difference between government bonds and men? Bonds Mature.
What did god say after creating man? I can do better.
husband: Want a quickie? Wife: As opposed to what?
How many men does it take to put a roll of toilet paper on the hanger?

No one knows... its never happened

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I feel the need to re-address the balance somewhat....... :rolleyes:

What's the difference between government bonds and men? Bonds Mature.
What did god say after creating man? I can do better.
husband: Want a quickie? Wife: As opposed to what?
How many men does it take to put a roll of toilet paper on the hanger?

No one knows... its never happened

What does this have to do with a set of bagpipes?

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I feel the need to re-address the balance somewhat....... :rolleyes:

What's the difference between government bonds and men? Bonds Mature.

What did god say after creating man? I can do better.

husband: Want a quickie? Wife: As opposed to what?

How many men does it take to put a roll of toilet paper on the hanger?

No one knows... its never happened

I don't understand how you anyone can think that women are smarter than men....

Why they would want equality when they are already superior is beyond me.... ;)

Then again, I'm just one of the inferior males... :)


Edited by Bronze & Copper Collector

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I feel the need to re-address the balance somewhat....... :rolleyes:

What's the difference between government bonds and men? Bonds Mature.
What did god say after creating man? I can do better.
husband: Want a quickie? Wife: As opposed to what?
How many men does it take to put a roll of toilet paper on the hanger?

No one knows... its never happened


Confucius, he say "Woman who seek equality with men, lack ambition".

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I feel the need to re-address the balance somewhat....... :rolleyes:

What's the difference between government bonds and men? Bonds Mature.

What did god say after creating man? I can do better.

husband: Want a quickie? Wife: As opposed to what?

How many men does it take to put a roll of toilet paper on the hanger?

No one knows... its never happened


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I feel the need to re-address the balance somewhat....... :rolleyes:

What's the difference between government bonds and men? Bonds Mature.
What did god say after creating man? I can do better.
husband: Want a quickie? Wife: As opposed to what?
How many men does it take to put a roll of toilet paper on the hanger?

No one knows... its never happened

I was walking down the road the other day when I saw a woman carrying a large tv set. Hang on, I thought, that's mine….

...Then I remembered mine was at home ironing my shirts!

(Balance redressed again :D )

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