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I'm putting all my money into razor wire and security fencing. Will it mean that all of the die hard scots in England will have to become english citizens or move north of the boarder?

Anyone with existing citizenship of the UK will presumably retain it. You can't just remove citizenship without due cause, such as being a terrorist etc, so grandfather rights would apply here. However, anyone trading in their passport for a Scottish one should not expect the same rights, though I suspect the same policy as that applies to Irish citizens would be the realistic position. Whether Scottish only passport holders would be allowed to serve with the UK's armed forces though is another matter.

UK gov is actively limiting non EU imigration to apease the masses. Scotland would become a non EU country. You have the choice, are you Scottish or are you English. We allow dual nationality but how many scot would want a hated English passport. So the scots would be in the position of needing a visa or work permit to remain here. And that goes for any scots currently living in mainland Europe.

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The English want the Scots to stay so much, anyone hear the signing at the England game? As for Milliband, the man is a complete bell end, he has the attitude of "its my ball so you can't play" some Scots care for the Union and as we're now seeing when push comes to shove, Westminster and quite a lot of the ENGLISH population don't want us in the Union anyway.

There was a video yesterday where a guy went to an money exchange in London and asked to change £100 Scots pounds to English, they were going to give him £94, but why, our pound is also still Sterling is it not? Things like this stick in the throats of Scots, Englamd deem us natives and not worth shit, but now that the natives are restless and the shit is starting to hit the fan things are suddenly coming to the surface of what Englamd REALLY thinks of Scotland, and this is why attitudes in Scotland towards independence are changing and last night will help that along no end.

We're now seeing the dislike directed towards us by Westminster with their small threats of this and that, since when did Milliband become PM and has a say if there should be soliders posted at the border? These idiots are the people that are leading you, i've never once heard derogatory remarks from Irish or Welsh citizens, so why are the English so pissed off?

Oh and btw, the exchange rate from Scottish to English pounds was 1.062, a fricking joke, yet we take English notes but you won't take ours, and we're all equal, yeah right ok.

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I'm putting all my money into razor wire and security fencing. Will it mean that all of the die hard scots in England will have to become english citizens or move north of the boarder?

Anyone with existing citizenship of the UK will presumably retain it. You can't just remove citizenship without due cause, such as being a terrorist etc, so grandfather rights would apply here. However, anyone trading in their passport for a Scottish one should not expect the same rights, though I suspect the same policy as that applies to Irish citizens would be the realistic position. Whether Scottish only passport holders would be allowed to serve with the UK's armed forces though is another matter.

UK gov is actively limiting non EU imigration to apease the masses. Scotland would become a non EU country. You have the choice, are you Scottish or are you English. We allow dual nationality but how many scot would want a hated English passport. So the scots would be in the position of needing a visa or work permit to remain here. And that goes for any scots currently living in mainland Europe.
How come suddenly that England is Britain, your statement of your either Scottish or English, tell me what happened to the other 2 countries in the Union? Your statement should have read, you're either Irish, Welsh or English should it not? Do you think England is the UK, this is the problem in a nutshell with you English types. Your other statement of throwing Scots out of England is another belter, what about throwing the immigrants out also, or those who are of any given Race other than English presboterian, you should go and invade a small country, you'd make a good dictator Edited by azda

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I'm putting all my money into razor wire and security fencing. Will it mean that all of the die hard scots in England will have to become english citizens or move north of the boarder?

Anyone with existing citizenship of the UK will presumably retain it. You can't just remove citizenship without due cause, such as being a terrorist etc, so grandfather rights would apply here. However, anyone trading in their passport for a Scottish one should not expect the same rights, though I suspect the same policy as that applies to Irish citizens would be the realistic position. Whether Scottish only passport holders would be allowed to serve with the UK's armed forces though is another matter.
UK gov is actively limiting non EU imigration to apease the masses. Scotland would become a non EU country. You have the choice, are you Scottish or are you English. We allow dual nationality but how many scot would want a hated English passport. So the scots would be in the position of needing a visa or work permit to remain here. And that goes for any scots currently living in mainland Europe.
How come suddenly that England is Britain, your statement of your either Scottish or English, tell me what happened to the other 2 countries in the Union? Your statement should have read, you're either Irish, Welsh or English should it not? Do you think England is the UK, this is the problem in a nutshell with you English types. Your other statement of throwing Scots out of England is another belter, what about throwing the immigrants out also, or those who are of any given Race other than English presboterian, you should go and invade a small country, you'd make a good dictator

NI is a province and Wales is a principality so England will be the only country left in the Union hense only England can issue passports. And as for the politicians they are all the same only interested in their own well being. The only reason Miliband is showing any interest is because he's going to lose a few MPs and make it even harder to get in again. If the boot was on the other foot do you think we would here anything from him other than anything that is detrimenal to the conservatives. Oh and Britain, more correctly Great Britain is a geographical area not political. Scotland will be ever part of Great Britain until it's towed out into the Alantic Ocean.

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Breaking News, David Cameron is supporting the "Yes" camp


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Breaking News, David Cameron is supporting the "Yes" camp

He's had a sex change too :D

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I'm not making any comment on the referendum itself, but in the event of a 'Yes' vote and a re-affirmation of 'no currency union', something I don't seriously think will change as too many UK politicians have said they won't agree to it and I don't think that MPs in parliament would vote for it to happen anyway, my first actions will be to clear my Natwest bank account out to an English based bank. And my Halifax ISA's will also be coming out into a bank that can guarantee their safety.

I would strongly advise everybody else on here to consider their own best interests in the event of a 'Yes' vote. There's already been some cash flow out of Scottish financial institutions and I would hate to find anybody losing out as a result of failing to act because of this vote. In short, remember Northern Rock??

Edited by DaveG38

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With regard to passports the current UK passport basically says UK citizen and UK citizen. If the yes vote is carried the Scots will be neither and as a result there passports should be invalid. There are many implications for a yes vote including aged pension, currency etc. for which the England tax payers have been footing the bill for years. If it comes to a financial decision for England they should be glad for a yes vote but be prepared for Scottish "illegals" when the true implications of independence come home to roost.

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Sorry UK citizen and EU citizen.

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You do realise that the current tumble of the £ on the financial markets is'nt due to the worry about Scotland, its about England and the worry how they are going to pay their debt should Scotlamd leave, this is due to the fact that Westminster sold 50 Billion worth of oil last year which in real terms is a heck of a tax black hole however you look at it. It might be best if Westminster handed power to Holyrood so we can sort you sheeeet out. Ozjohn, should there be a yes vote there will be a 2 year transitional period, in that time maybe Engerrrrrrland can also get rid of anyone that does'nt comform to your passport profile and throw them all out. See, this is where i really start taking offemce at such comments, you are talking like we are common criminals, terrorists etc, start putting your own house in order first and rid yourself of the people who have no passports then come back and talk about Scotland. We could always ship the Thieves etc back over to Oz again :)

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I can see you are a Scot who has lost all sense of reality in your dislike of the English. It's the English tax payer which has kept Scotland going for years and Scotland will be in a sorry state when that source of income has gone. It's not me saying this just about every financial commentator, banker, economist seems to share the same opinion only the people leading this insane drive for independence mostly driven by a hatred for England want to ignore the realities The only people who will benefit in the end when the dust has settled will be England and Wales being relieved of the financial burden imposed by an unproductive Scotland. However the breaking of a union that has existed for over 300 years by people who only have hate as their motivation and no regard for the welfare of the Scottish people is a sad thing to see. As for my passport profile. All I am saying is a simple statement of fact if Scotland becomes independent you will no longer UK or EU citizens and claims to a UK Passport are not so clear. Sounds to me that you want your cake and eat it. As I was born in the UK I am at present entitled to a UK Passport. However unlike you I have an Australian Passport and proud to have so.

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As Alex Salmon says,

Currency; don't worry about it we'll sort it out afterwards.

Pensions; don't worry about it we'll sort it out afterwards.

Finances; don't worry about it we'll sort it out afterwards.

Healthcare; don't worry about it we'll sort it out afterwards.

Everthing; don't worry about it we'll sort it out afterwards.

Oh and I wish to apologise for all the English politians in Scotland at the moment. I don't recall us asking them to go, it's so embarrassing. But then when did the politians ever represent the will of the people.

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I can see you are a Scot who has lost all sense of reality in your dislike of the English. It's the English tax payer which has kept Scotland going for years and Scotland will be in a sorry state when that source of income has gone. It's not me saying this just about every financial commentator, banker, economist seems to share the same opinion only the people leading this insane drive for independence mostly driven by a hatred for England want to ignore the realities The only people who will benefit in the end when the dust has settled will be England and Wales being relieved of the financial burden imposed by an unproductive Scotland. However the breaking of a union that has existed for over 300 years by people who only have hate as their motivation and no regard for the welfare of the Scottish people is a sad thing to see. As for my passport profile. All I am saying is a simple statement of fact if Scotland becomes independent you will no longer UK or EU citizens and claims to a UK Passport are not so clear. Sounds to me that you want your cake and eat it. As I was born in the UK I am at present entitled to a UK Passport. However unlike you I have an Australian Passport and proud to have so.

John, i think you have'nt really got this quite correct, its Scotland that has been propping up England. Read a little more in depth. We have paid far more than we received back. As for the currency, we've already seen that they can't stop is using it. We now have the 3 stoogies in Scotland appealing to Scots for a better together, yet Cameron said he'd leave it to the Scots, ha ha, his arse is squeaking big time. John i don't know of you saw Engerrrrrland Play Switzerland the other night, if you did you would have heard the ENGLISH singing for Scotland to get out, as for your claim sits being done out of hatered off the ENGLISH, well we want neighbours John, not freaking masters. And please think a little before writing, if we win indy, it won't happen overnight, i already stated it will be 2 years in the making due to the complexities, so give up your poor arguement of passports, these things will occur during the Transition period of which is STILL 2 years, in that time you boys can round up the rest of the immigrants and see how that goes. Some people are just wanting to take their ball away cos Scotland does'nt want to Play anymore. Oh and p.s, as i don't live in Auustralia i don't require an Ozzie passport, i live in Germany and don't need one of those either, however, i do live in the EU and have an WU driving licence which is all i require, when it come to a Scottish or rUK passport (which is'nt English either) i'll be choosing Scottish, the land of my birth, just like you got your Brotish passport, the land of yours, which makes an interesting question, when we split you'll also have to change yours lol, currently i assume its a UNITED KINGDOM passport?

Oh and btw John, it was a Labour ENGLISH government who said we could vote, nothing to do with hate, just taking them up on their offer. I think you boys are getting dillusional about finances, ENGERRRRRLAND are in deep shit finicially when we leave hence the markets are down along with the £ becaise people want to know how you are going to pay your defecit when we leave and take a massive chunk of cash with us, so much for ENGERRRRRLAND propping us up eh lol

Edited by azda

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When it's all said and done you have to live with it I don't. Good luck to the good ship Scotland and all who will go dawn with her.

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See, the Scots need to take a reality check. What typifies the whole Salmon attitude thing is :- there's no more Protestant nation in Europe, witness the "John Knox" Presbyterians, and their extreme cousins the "Wee Free"s; yet those same Protestants hanker after the "Prince over the Water" aka Bonnie Prince Charlie, a dyed-in-the-wool Roman Catholic.

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Just for fun (?) I thought Id revisit this thread. Seems to me that the Scots are voting with an awful lot of unknowns. Currency, EU membership, border arrangements and status/future of what are currently UK Government departments and armed forces in what will nominally be an independent country for a start.

Now I can't see Westminster allowing Scotland to flounder as it's not in the interests of everyone else. We would all benefit from an economically healthy, politically stable neighbour more than another sick man of Europe. However there may well be a limit to how accommodating they are if it goes to a Yes.

While everyone has views as to what will happen, it really doesn't seem clear to me. So I can only assume voting will be down to sentiment. Not really a good basis to make a decision that will affect us and our children for generations ..

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Just for fun (?) I thought Id revisit this thread. Seems to me that the Scots are voting with an awful lot of unknowns. Currency, EU membership, border arrangements and status/future of what are currently UK Government departments and armed forces in what will nominally be an independent country for a start.

Now I can't see Westminster allowing Scotland to flounder as it's not in the interests of everyone else. We would all benefit from an economically healthy, politically stable neighbour more than another sick man of Europe. However there may well be a limit to how accommodating they are if it goes to a Yes.

While everyone has views as to what will happen, it really doesn't seem clear to me. So I can only assume voting will be down to sentiment. Not really a good basis to make a decision that will affect us and our children for generations ..

I agree that it isn't in the UK's interest to let Scotland flounder, nor do I think it will do so. However, I do think that in the event of a 'yes' vote, we'll suddenly find that English politicans toughen up their stance in negotiations and AS will find that all his demands and ranting about what he wants and Scotland should have will count for very little when faced with England's demands - it takes two and I don't see Westminster rolling over and giving him what he wants. I certainly don't see Westminster MPs just quietly voting for AS, not after he has trashed the union and instigated a very acrimonious divorce.

Take a simple case. Suppose that there is a 'yes' vote and AS demands but doesn't get his currency union, and he then walks away from the debt. Leave aside the impact on Scotland's borrowing, but why would the UK government allocate a single penny of any assets to the Scots in that situation. Surely anybody with an ounce of backbone would say OK, you owe us X billions, so instead to set against the debt, we'll keep the embassies, we'll keep all the military hardware, we'll keep all the gold reserves etc. etc. AS would have no case for demanding his share and the divorce will then descend into very bitter territory. Things might even come to a point where the UK government takes a very negative approach to Scotland and that won't be good for anybody.

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I think your divorce simile is spot on Dave.

Oh, we're good friends now and we've lived together reasonably amicably for 300+ years. But once one side starts to quibble about the details it's all too easy too see the other taking a firmer stance in return.

And I can't see much help from Europe. Spain in particular, apart from it's own economic woes, won't want to encourage the Catalans or Basques (now there's a comparison Alex Salmond might like to use!) any more. And the newer members in the East will expect an independent Scotland to have to jump through the same the hoops that they did ...

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A few years ago I was standing in line at the duty free store at Singapore Airport where a man with a Scottish accent was tendering Scottish bank bills to pay for his dutyfree goods. The checkout chick told him that they only accepted $US, Sterling, Yen, $AU & $Singapore for cash payments. The customer protested that he was offering Sterling but the checkout chick was having none of it and the customer went away empty handed. The moral of this story is if the yes vote for Scottish independence is carried then be prepared to accept a lot more of this sort of treatment. Maybe a credit card will help but with no currency even that may not work it's a bit of a risk. Believe me this is a true story.

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A poll yesterday


gives SNP 53.9% for Yes. The weighting might be a bit suspect, but it's looking more and more like a done deal.

I've got only one prediction, Salmond to be replaced by Nicola Sturgeon within a very short time after a Yes vote.

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For the curremcy mongers amoungst us. Take a look at the 2 notes very closely and Tell me what you see and what you don't.


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For the curremcy mongers amoungst us. Take a look at the 2 notes very closely and Tell me what you see and what you don't.

The bottom one is backed by the Bank of England the top one isn't. It's backed by a dodgy bank that is all in but name bankrupt and owned by the British tax payer who could walk away anytime they want.

Edited by Gary1000

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The top one has sterling written on it and the bottom one does'nt, now who's bank is dodgy?

Oh, i see oor Davie is also Lostage plot, amazing, when it gets down to it you can Actually see people South of the border for what they really think of Scots, also a few on this forum with xenophobic comments, it Actually disgusts me that some people would want to throw people out of a country within 24hts of a vote, pretty sad really.


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