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A member recommended that I use photobucket to provide a link to my images.

So rather excited ive done the first 1

Well post creating the image and then using photobucket I now want to share it on the forum.

There are the available links to do this and it recommends we use the IMG ling for forums.

By clicking the Img link it says copied.

So I did this came to the forum and tried to paste it - nothing pasted

Ok its fairly abvious I haven't done this before but what am I doing wrong.

So like the Beatles sang Help I need somebody Help

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Type the copied photobucket address into the field that comes up when you click the link icon in the line immediately above this reply box. It is the 9th from the left on my screen.

Edited by Rob

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A member recommended that I use photobucket to provide a link to my images.

So rather excited ive done the first 1

Well post creating the image and then using photobucket I now want to share it on the forum.

There are the available links to do this and it recommends we use the IMG ling for forums.

By clicking the Img link it says copied.

So I did this came to the forum and tried to paste it - nothing pasted

Ok its fairly abvious I haven't done this before but what am I doing wrong.

So like the Beatles sang Help I need somebody Help

Well it's fairly clear whats gone wrong. You're using internet explorer to look AT the forum. Using IE and trying to paste a Link here does'nt work and i believe it's an Explorer fault. Try using firefox Or Google chrome when viewing the Forum And pasting links in here, it's also happened to me and using firefox allows you to paste a link

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Here's an example from a PhotoBucket hosted image:

Paste via "IMG" link straight into post:


If your image is not displaying in the same way toggle the button on the top left of the toolbar so you can see the "code" behind the post and compare with this post.

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It is as Dave says - don't use IE. Just tried it and I can't paste direct into a post, nor can I paste a link into an image control.

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I use Chrome myself!

What I do is open my image up on the computer, using Microsoft Paint, which usually displays the picture massively on the screen. I then click on 'resize' which opens a box. I check the box is saying 'percentage' then change the 100% figure to say 20% and click OK. It will then show the image smaller on the screen. If it's still too large, or small, I just 'undo' and try a different percentage until I like the display size on the screen. It's then just a case of 'save as' and I generally just put the percentage size at the end of the image title. Don't just click 'save' or you will reduce your lovely big image forever.

OK, then I save that image to photobucket, click on the IMG link which will give you something like this to paste


However, what I always do then, is to remove the highlight bits in red, as otherwise people can click on your image and be directed to your entire photobucket folder, which may, or may not, be something you want to happen? :o

Edit: well that didn't work! basically remove the bit from the end, and from the beginning!

Edited by Coinery

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You can make photobucket folders private Stewie

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I use a pretty simply method of embedding Photobucket (PB) images in this Forum:

  1. In PB, under 'Share Links', with your image displayed on its own, click inside the 'Direct' box - PB will say 'Copied'
  2. In your Forum message, click on the 'Image' icon and paste (Ctrl + V) the URL and click OK


This is quick and straightforward to me, and it doesn't link people to your PB! Clicking on the image simply pops it open in its own small window :)

Edited by Paulus

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Thanks - all your guidance has been fruitfull and i have attached my first image via photobucket

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Really? Where is it? Lol

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Found it

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However, what I always do then, is to remove the highlight bits in red, as otherwise people can click on your image and be directed to your entire photobucket folder, which may, or may not, be something you want to happen? :o

There is a setting in PhotoBucket that allows you turn off those URL tags permanently.

Go to your PhotoBucket page and hover over the vaguely head shaped icon (top right of page) and select "Settings". Then select "Albums" and remove the tick from "Link back to albums", save and URL tags will be a thing of the past.

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However, what I always do then, is to remove the highlight bits in red, as otherwise people can click on your image and be directed to your entire photobucket folder, which may, or may not, be something you want to happen? :o

There is a setting in PhotoBucket that allows you turn off those URL tags permanently.

Go to your PhotoBucket page and hover over the vaguely head shaped icon (top right of page) and select "Settings". Then select "Albums" and remove the tick from "Link back to albums", save and URL tags will be a thing of the past.

Dah, dah! Thanks, Nick! :)

I've just made the change...have done it the long way round for years! :blink:

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A member recommended that I use photobucket to provide a link to my images.

You have 500k allowance per post right here - there's absolutely no need to use Photobucket.

http://www.predecimal.com/forum/topic/7880-posting-pics/ tells you how to do it, and how to compress your images to postable size (and was written when we only had 150k to play with!)

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A member recommended that I use photobucket to provide a link to my images.

You have 500k allowance per post right here - there's absolutely no need to use Photobucket.

Unless you want to, of course. Or you want your image inlined at its original size.

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A member recommended that I use photobucket to provide a link to my images.

You have 500k allowance per post right here - there's absolutely no need to use Photobucket.

Unless you want to, of course. Or you want your image inlined at its original size.

Some of us loathe Photobucket. However, if people link pictures PROPERLY (i.e. without sending members to Satan's Site) then it's fine :)

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Forgive me if this has been asked before - I have only recently returned to this forum after a few years out but:

Why do we have a 500k limit on pictures?

Why do we have such a lousy and complex way of posting pictures?

I am also a member at both Cointalk and Treasurenet which have neither the limits, nor the complex upload process - why can't we do it like them?

I have just spent a fruitless 30 minutes trying to upload a simple picture which I have already used easily at Cointalk. After fiddling with it endlessly until it told me it was 474k it still wouldn't paste into the image area - a pop telling me I couldn't upload more than 501k - which I was already well under!


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What's so difficult? As long as the pic is less than 500k its just a couple of clicks to upload it - where's the problem? Takes all of 10 seconds.

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Sorry for the rant before - I had struggled and got nowhere!

The problem I encountered was that having tried to drag and drop an over size image to the appropriate area and got the error message, the system would not "forget" the failed attempt, so even after I had adjusted the image down, when I tried again to upload it it errored again. I could only get out of it by abandoning the post and coming back to it later - not ideal.

I still think the 500k limit is too low, and the method of selecting images to upload at Cointalk far easier to use. As a result their forum has far more images uploaded and so makes more interesting and informative reading.


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Yeah it's a bug in the software from the forum providers, they know and assume will release the fix when they have it.

You know that hosting a website and all its images costs money right? Predecimal is 100% free and all paid for by Chris, many of the other sites have subscribers or donations to help run the site, whereas this place doesn't. The 500kb limit is actually plenty as well, I've never had a problem myself and everyone else seems to manage ok. The method of selecting images, to me at least, is pretty straightforward? Bar the bug you came across, it literally takes 3 clicks add an image.

If it helps I can show you a couple of ways to reduce the size of an image, you'll find that you can get everything you need within the 500kb limit, especially in the case of photographing coins.

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When I post an actual pic on pre decimal, it appears on all three of my home devices, but is visible to no-one else. Also invisible on my work PC. Christ knows what the problem is, but there you go. Plain weird.

I've had to resort to uploading my coin pics to an image hosting site, and then posting the links on here.



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Yes but we all know you're a special case, Mike ;):P 

That is strange though, I've not heard that one before..

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Techie question for you Matt ...

I used to upload to Photobucket then link on here, but nowadays all my coin pics are on my coin collection website, and I simply paste in the URL. The Forum software then embeds the pics (which are typically 2400 x 1200 pixels and over 1 Mb). Is the Forum still using my web site as the source for the pics at this point, so if I remove them from my web site they will disappear from here? 

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Yeah the embedded images are being hosted by the original server where it's uploaded, so if you removed the photo (permanently) then it wouldn't show anymore, either in a link or in an embedded image. The only files it would save are the ones that you choose to upload, the under 500kb ones. Even then it will probably kill off photos after a few years or so to keep free space.

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